Misrəddin Sadıqov
Misrəddin Sadıqov
Fizika-riyaziyyat elmləri doktoru, professor
İş telefonu:(+99412)510 34 07
e-mail: misraddin@box.az
1954-cü il, dekabrın 10-da Ermənistan Respublikasının Krasnoselo rayonunun Cil kəndində anadan olub.
1962-1972-ci illərdə Krasnoselo rayonunun Cil kənd orta məktəbində oxuyub.
1972-1977-ci illərdə BDU-nun Mexanika-riyaziyyat fakültəsinin əyani şöbəsində təhsil alıb.
1993-cü ildən BDU-da çalışır.
Ailəlidir, üç övladı var.
1972-1977,tələbə, Mexanika-riyaziyyat fakültəsi,BDU
1981-1984,dissertant, Azərbaycan EA-nın Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu
1984, f.-r.e.n., «Diferensial daxilolmanın optimal trayektoriyasının xassəsi»
1993, f.-r.e.d., «Çoxdəyişənli hamar olmayan variasiya məsələsinin və diferensial daxilolmanın tədqiqi»
2008- h/h , professor, İdarəetmə nəzəriyyəsinin riyazi üsulları kafedrası, Mexanika-riyaziyyat fakültəsi, BDU
1998-2008, professor, Optimallaşdırma və idarəetmə kafedrası, Tətbiqi-riyaziyyat fakültəsi, BDU
1997-1998, baş müəllim,Optimallaşdırma və idarəetmə kafedrası, Tətbiqi-riyaziyyat fakültəsi, BDU
1994-1998, şöbə müdiri, Azərbaycan EA-nın Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu
1987-1993, baş elmi işçi, Azərbaycan EA-nın Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu
1985-1987, kiçik elmi işçi, Azərbaycan EA-nın Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu
1981-1985, proqramçı-riyaziyyatçı, Azərbaycan EA-nın Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu
1979-1981, mühəndis-proqramçı, Azərbaycan EA-nın Kibernetika İnstitutu
1978-1979, baş laborant, Azərbaycan EA-nın Kibernetika İnstitutu
Apardığı dərslər: Variyasiya hesabı, Stoxostik optimal idarəetmə məsələsi, Oyunlar nəzəriyyəsi, İdarəetmə və müşahidə.
94 elmi məqalənin və 5 monoqrafiyanın müəllifidir.
Qeyri hamar riyazi proqramlaşdırma, Diferensial daxilolma üçün ekstremal məsələ, Hamar olmayan analiz.
- Extremum conditions for a nonsmooth multidimensional variational problems. Fourth conference on differential eguations and applications. Rousse, 1989.
- On necessary conditions of extremum for multidimensional differential inclusions. Thesis of rapovts of All-Union conference on nonsmooth analysis and its applications to Math. Economics. Baku, 1991, p.48.
- Second order necessary conditions of extremum for nonsmooth functions. Thesis of rapovts of
- All-Union conference on nonsmooth analysis and its applications to Math. Economics. Baku, 1991,
- Necessary conditions of extremum for differential inclusions. Regional Conference on Mathematics and theoretical physics. Tabriz University, 1992, p.22 (joint with Maksudov F.G. ).
- First and second order necessary conditions for nonsmooth variational problems. Azerbaijan -Turkish
- Mathematical Symposium, Trabzon 1993, p.78-81(joint with Maksudov F.G. ).
- Necessary conditions in nonsmooth optimization. . Proc. of the I-st International Conference on problems of Mathematical Economics, Nonsmooth Analysis and Informatics, Baku, 1997, p.206-218.
- On some properties of the bidifferential. Ist Turkish world mathematics symposium. Turkey, Elazık, 1999, p.181-182.
- About minimization of a difference of convex integral functionals.
International Conference Facilities mathem. Model., Sanct Petersburg, 2003, p.163 (joint with Axundov I.S.).
- Some characteristic binormal and bitangent cones. Thesis X International Conf. on math. and mech. devoted to 45-th anniversary Ins. Math. and Mech., Baku-2004, p.141.
- An investigation of the bisublinear functions. Abstracts of the
International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, Baku 2005, p. 86
- The analysis of nonconvex dynamical extremum problem. Abstracts of the
International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, Baku 2005, p. 87 (joint with Sadygov A.M.).
- On a minimization of nonsmooth functionals in Sobolev space. XIII International Conference on automatic control , Vinnytsia 2006, p.43 (joint with Axundov I.S.).
- On property positively bihomogenous function. Thesis X International Conf. on math. and mech. Devoted
- to 70-th anniversary of the corresponding member of NAS of Azerbaijan, prof. B.A. Isgenderov, Baku-2004, p.141.
- On extremal problem with discrete inclusions. Extended Abstracts of the 38th Annual Iranian Mahematics Conference. University of Zanyan, 3-6 September 2007, p.424-426.
- The properties of binormal and bitangent cones. IIst Turkish world mathematics symposium. Turkey, 2007, p.41.
- Investigation of the n-positively homogenous functions. The
International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, Baku,2-4 June, 2008, p.158.
- The properties of the n-Conjugate functions. (joint with M.Açıkgöz ) The
International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, Bacu, 2-4 June, 2008, p.18.
- On Extremal Problem For Multidimenzional Diskrete İnclusions with Constraints. ( joint with Gadjiev A.N., Yaqubov M.A. ) The
International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, Baku, 2-4 June, 2008, p.64.
- Subdifferensial of the functions in concrete spaces. The International Conference on differential equation and
- topologi devoted to 100-th anniversary from birthday of Pontryaqin . Moscow. 2008, 17-22 June , p. 284-285.
- On necessary conditions of extremum in one class of nonsmooth functions. Izv. Akad. Nauk Azerb. SSR. 1980, № 4, p.118-124.
- On some necessary and sufficient conditions of minimum for differential inclusions. Moscow. Dep. VINITI. 1982, № 201-82, 18p.
- Necessary and sufficient conditions of optimality for differential inclusions. Moscow. Dep. VINITI. 1982, № 3786-82, 27p.
- Necessary conditions for an extremum of nonsmooth functions. Proc. of
young scientists Conf. Baku, 1983.
- Extremum convex dynamic and i'ts applications. Izv. Akad. Nauk Azerb., Phys.-Tech. and Math. Series, 1983, № 4, p.40-47(with Maksudov F.G. and Rubinov A.M.).
- Characteristic optimum trajectory for differential inclusion Ph.D. thesis, Baku, (1984), 116 pages.
- Characteristic optimum trajectory for differential inclusion Ph.D. thesis, Baku, (1984), 20 pages.
- On conjugation of functional given in Sobolev space. Moscow. Dep. VINITI. 1984, № 1008-84, 20p.
- On some necessary and sufficient conditions of minimum for differential inclusions. Dokl. Akad. Nauk Azerb., 1984, № 2, p.6-9.
- On minimization of integral functionals. Moscow. Dep. VINITI. 1985, № 251- 85, 21p.
- On one extremal problem in Sobolev space. Izv. Akad. Nauk Azerb., Phys.-Tech. and Math. Series, 1985, № 6, p.25-33.
- On necessary and sufficient conditions for a minimum of integral functional. Proc. of
young scientists Conf. on Mathematics and Mechanics. Baku, 1983.
- On minimization of integral functionals in Sobolev space. Preprint № 165, Baku, 1986, 48p.
- On minimization of integral functionals. Soviet Math. Dokl. 1986, vol.288, № 5, p.1050-1054.
- About an existence of generalized minimization and approximal solutions. Moscow. Dep. VINITI. 1986, № 5106-B86, 17p.
- On minimization of one-dimensional variational problems. Proc. of
young scientists Conf. on Mathematics and Mechanics. Baku, "Elm" 1987, p.246-248.
- On minimization of n-dimensional variational problems. Proc. of
young scientists Conf. on Mathematics and Mechanics. Baku, "Elm"1987, p.249-252.
- A generalized solution of extremal problems. Preprint № 201, Baku, 1987, 30p.
- An existence of minimization of generalized and approximal solution. DAN Azerb. SSR, 1987, № 9, p.7-10.
- On generalized solution of optimization problems. Izv. Akad. Nauk Azerb., Phys.-Tech. and Math. Series, 1988, № 4, p.28-37.
- High order necessary conditions of extremum. Proc. of.
Rep. Conf. of young scientists on
- Mathematics and Mechanics. Baku, "Elm"1989, v.1, p.276-280.
- Extremum conditions for a nonsmooth multidimensional variational problems. Fourth conferenceon differential eguations and applications. Rousse, 1989.
- High order necessary conditions of extremum for nonsmooth functions. Izv. Akad. Nauk Azerb.,Phys.-Tech. and Math. Series, 1989, № 5, p.33-47.
- Second order necessary conditions of extremum for integral functionals. Proc. of.
Rep. Conf. of young scientists on Mathematics and Mechanics. Baku, "Elm"1991, p.218-219.
- Investigation of nonsmooth variational problems. Preprint № 79, Baku, 1991,73p.
- On necessary conditions of extremum for multidimensional differential inclusions. Thesis of rapovtsof All-Union conference on nonsmooth analysis and its applications to Math. Economics. Baku, 1991,p.48.
- Second order necessary conditions of extremum for nonsmooth functions. Thesis of rapovts of All-Union conference on nonsmooth analysis and its applications to Math. Economics. Baku, 1991, p.49.
- Necessary extremum conditions for differential inclusions.Preprint № 426, Baku 1991, 42p.
- Subdifferential of high order.-Soviet Math. Dokl. 1991, v.320, № 5, p.594- 598.
- A first and second order necessary conditions for nonsmooth variational problems. Choose question of Mathematics and Mechanics. Baku, "Elm"1992, p.3-15(joint with Maksudov F.G. ).
- Necessary conditions of extremum for differential inclusions. Regional Conference on Mathematics and theoretical physics. Tabriz University, 1992, p.22 (joint with Maksudov F.G. ).
- Investigation of nonsmooth multidimensional variational problems and differential inclusions. Doctor. disser. Minsk, 1992, 209p.
- Investigation of nonsmooth multidimensional variational problems and differential inclusions. Avtoreferat doctor. disser. Minsk, 1992, 31p.
- First and second order necessary conditions for nonsmooth variational problems. Azerbaijan -Turkish Mathematical Symposium, Trabzon 1993, p.78-81(joint with Maksudov F.G. ).
- A necessary conditions for multidimensional differential inclusions. Applied nonlinear analysis. Baku, 1994, p.3-28.
- An extremal problem for dynamic family mappings. Applied nonlinear analysis. Baku, 1994, p.29-39.
- High order necessary conditions of extremum for nonsmooth minimization problem. Economics and math. met. Moscow, 1994, v.30, 1, p.148-160.
- Second order derivatives of set-valued mappings and bitangential cones. Proc. of.
Rep.Conf. of young scientists on Mathematics and Mechanics. Baku, "Elm" 1994, p.90-94.
- Second order derivatives by direction and bitangent cones. Proc. of Inst. Math. and Mech., t.III(IX), Baku, 1995, p.67-83.
- On extremum problems for two-dimensional differential inclusions. Proc. of.
Rep.Conf.of Mathematics and Mechanics Baku, "Elm"1995, p.194-196.
- Extremum problems for two-dimensional differential inclusions. Izv. Akad. Nauk Azerb., Phys.-Tech. and Math. Series, 1995, № 1-3, p.71-81.
- On necessary conditions for two-dimensional differential inclusions. Proc. of the Reg. Conf. on math. and phys. Tabriz, 1995, p.436-461.
- On extremum problems for nonsmooth optimization. Proc. of Inst. Math. and Mech., Baku, 1996, p.64-71.
- Extremum problems for nonsmooth system. Baku, Azerb. Tech.University, 1996, 148 p.
- Necessary conditions in nonsmooth optimization. . Proc. of the I-st International Conference on problems of Mathematical Economics, Nonsmooth Analysis and Informatics, Baku, 1997, p.206-218.
- Necessary extremum conditions for two-dimensional differential inclusions. Proc. of Inst. math. and mech., Baku, 1998,v VIII, p.186-198.
- On behavior of trajectories of differential inclusions in infinity. Izv. Akad. Nauk Azerb., Phys.-Tech. and Math. Series , 1998, № 1, p.55-68.
- On relationship of solution of differential inclusions with convex and non convex right hand side. Izv. Akad. Nauk Azerb., Phys.-Tech. and Math. Series, 1998, № 2, p.80-83 (joint with Aslanov Y.M.).
- On extremum problems for two-dimensional Goursa-Darboux type differential inclusions. Izv. Akad. Nauk Azerb., Phys.-Tech. and Math. Series, 1998, № 3, p.65-76.
- An existence of generalized solutions of optimization problems. Proc. of Inst. math. and mech., 1998, p.44-58.
- On solution of a three dimensional differential inclusion. Moscow, Dep. VINITI, 1999, № 1727-B 99, 32p. (joint with Aslanov Y.M.).
- On some properties of the bidifferential. Ist Turkish world mathematics symposium. Turkey, 1999, p.181-182.
- On properties of second order subdifferensial. Second International symposium on math. and comput. application, Baku, 1999, p.52-53.
- Nonsmooth analysis and its applications to the extremum problems for Goursa-Darboux type differential inclusions Baku, "Elm", 1999,135p.
- On properties of the high order subdifferensial. Math. Dokl. 1999, V .55, № 1-2, p.39-43.
- On the properties of a bidifferential. Proc. Ins. Math. and Mech. Azerb. Acad. Sci., 1999, V. XI, p. 136-149.
- On the properties of a second order subdifferensial. Trans. of Sci. of Azerb., Ser. of phys.-tech. and math. sci.-1999, V. 19, № 1-2. Math. and Mech., p. 256-165.
- n second order subdifferensial of convex functions. Proc Ins. Math. and Mech. Azerb. Acad. Sci., 2000. V .XI, p. 115-127.
- Subdifferensial and still point of image. Math. Dokl. Azerb. 2000, № 4-6, p. 42-48.
- On the gemotric aspects of second order subdifferential . Math. Dokl. Azerb. 2000, № 4-5, p.35-38.
- On extemal problem for Goursa-Darboux type differential inclusions, 1. Proceedings of IMM of NAS of Azerb. Vol.24, 2001. p.79-93
- On extremal problem for Goursa-Darboux type differential inclusions, 2. Proceedings of IMM of NAS of Azerb. Vol.24, 2001. p.211-222.
- Nonsmooth extremum problem with restrictions. Proc. of Scientific Conf. devoted to 85-th anniversary from birthday of prof. A.Sh.Gabibzade. Baku-2001. p.172-175.
- Analysis of nonsmooth optimization problems. Baku, 2002. 125 p.
- About necessary extremum conditions in mathematical programming problems. Math.Dokl.Azerb. 2002, № 3-4, p.18-25.
- Conditions of minimum of second order in extreme problem for Goursa-Darboux type inclusions. Thesis of scientific Conf. devoted to 85-th anniversary from birthday of prof. G.K. Namazova . Baku- 2002, p.113-116.
- About minimization of a difference of convex integral functionals.
International Conference Facilities mathem. Model., Sanct Petersburg, 2003, p.163 (joint with Axundov I.S.).
- About second order subdifferential of the bisublinear functionals and operators. Preprint. Baku 2003, 46p.
- About extremum problem for discrete inclusions. Izv. IK Akad. Nauk Azerb., 2003, t.23, № 3, p.99-103 (joint with Mirzayeva H.G.).
- On extremum conditions in mathematical programming problems. Trans. of Sci. of Azerb., Phys.-tech. and Math. Series, 2004, T.23, № 1, p.187-196.
- Some characteristic binormal and bitangent cones. Thesis X International Conf. on math. and mech. devoted to 45-th anniversary Ins. Math. and Mech., Baku-2004, p.141.
- Investigation of convex functions. Transactions of NAS Azerb., 2004, T.23, № 1, p.187-196.
- First and second order subdifferential of functions, determined on Cartesian product a space. Preprint. Baku 2004, 66p.
- Study of bisublinear functions and extreme problem with multivariate discrete inclusions. Preprint. Baku 2005, 36p.
- An investigation of the bisublinear functions. Abstracts of the
International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, Baku 2005, p. 86
- The analysis of nonconvex dynamical extremum problem. Abstracts of the
International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, Baku 2005, p. 87 (joint with Sadygov A.M.).
- About necessary and sufficient conditions of extremum with restrictions and study of biproturberant functions. Preprint, Baku-2005, 43p.
- About sufficient and necessary conditions with constraints. Trans. of Sci. of Azerb., Ser. of phys.- tech. and math. sci, 2006, № 1, p.56-65.
- Study of bipositively uniform functions. Preprint, Baku-2006, 37p.
- On a minimization of nonsmooth functionals in Sobolev space. Izv. IK Akad. Nauk Azerb. 2006, t.26, № 2, p.54-59 (joint with Axundov I.S.).
- On a minimization of nonsmooth functionals in Sobolev space. XIII International Conference on automatic control , Vinnytsia 2006, p.43 (joint with Axundov I.S.).
- The optimal control of the discrete inclusions with delay. An International Journal ‘'Appl. and Comput. Math.'' 5 (2006), no.1, p.106-112 (joint with Mirzayeva H.G.).
- An investigation of subdifferential of nonsmooth functions and bipositively uniform functions.Preprint, Baku-2006, 50p.
- An investigation of first and second order subdifferential of nonsmooth functions. Baku-Elm 2006, 224p.
- On extremal problem with discrete inclusions. Extended Abstracts of the 38th Annual Iranian Mathe matics Conference. University of Zanyan, 3-6 September 2007, p.424-426.
- Of characteristic of solution for discrete and differential inclusion. Preprint. Baku 2007, 54p.
- The properties of binormal and bitangent cones. IIst Turkish world mathematics symposium. Turkey, 2007, p.41.
- On extremal problem of a three dimensional differential inclusion and of a two dimensional discrete inclusion. Baku 2008, 54p.
- n-Convex and n-proturberant functions. Baku-Myallim LTD, 2008, 115p.
- Investigation of the n-positively homogenous functions. The
International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, Baku,2-4 June, 2008, p.158.
- The properties of the n-Conjugate functions. (joint with M.Açıkgöz ) The
International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, Bacu, 2-4 June, 2008, p.18.
- On Extremal Problem For Multidimenzional Diskrete İnclusions with Constraints. ( joint with Gadjiev A.N., Yaqubov M.A. ) The
International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, Baku, 2-4 June, 2008, p.64.
- Subdifferensial of the functions in concrete spaces. The International Conference on differential equation and topologi devoted to 100-th anniversary from birthday of Pontryaqin . Moscow. 2008, 17-22 June , p. 284-285.
- Исследование n - положительно однородных функций. Math.Dokl.Azerb., 2009, LXV, № 2, c.23-31
- Subdifferentiality of functions in concrete spaces. “Elmi əsərlər” fizika-riyaziyyat və texnika elmləri seriyası. № 3 (28), Naxçıvan, NDU, “Qeyrət”-2009.səh.7-17
- Extreme problem for three dimensionnal differential inclusions. Turkish world mathematics symposium. Kazaxstan, 2009. p.96.
- Subdiferensialın xassəsi. Tələbələr, magistrantlar, aspirantlar və gənc tədqiqatçıların «Riyaziyyat və mexanikanın aktual problemləri» adlı ənənəvi konfransının materialları, Bakı, 2010. s.99-101.
- Релаксация невыпуклых задач включения гиперболического типа.AMEA-nın müxbir üzvü Y.C.Məmmədovun anadan olmasının 80 illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş beynəlxalq konfransın tezisləri.
- Достаточные условия для локального минимума. Труды Института Прикладной Математики. Баку, 2014, v.3, N2 статья c.212-233.
- An extreme problem for a Volterra type integral inclusion, tezis The 5-th International Conference on Control and optimization with industrial applications. Baku, 2015, p.163-168.
- On a extremal problem for Goursat-Darboux type inclusion in infinite domain. The 5-th International Conference on Control and optimization with industrial applications. Baku, 2015, статья p.160-163
- Непрерывность и дифференцируемость выпуклых функций tezis Magistrant, Doktrant və gənc tədqiqatçıların «Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın aktual problemləri» Respublika elmi konfransınin materialları Bakı 2015
- Об одном обобщении производной по направлению функций, Magistrant, Doktrant və gənc tədqiqatçıların «Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın aktual problemləri» Respublika elmi konfransınin materialları, Bakı, 2015, c.
- Необходимые условия экстремума в задачах недифференцируемого программ-мирования. Препринт, Препринт №1, Баку 2016, 83с.
- О необходимых и достаточных условиях для минимума в вариационной задаче, статья, Proceedings of IAM, V.4, № 2, 2015, p.119-135
- Необходимые и достаточные условия оптимальности высокого порядка ,статья, Вестник Бакинского Университета, Баку, 2015, N3, Стр.34-41
- О необходимых условиях в экстре-мальных задачах с ограничением. tezis, Azərbaycan Ümummilli Lideri Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 93 illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş «Riyaziyyat və Mexani-kanın aktual problemləri» Recpublika elmi konfran-sınin materialları, Bakı 2016, s.154-158
- Об условиях в экстремума в задачах математи-ческого прог-раммирования, tezis, Əmir Şamil oğlu Həbibzadənin anadan olmasının 100-cü Ildönümünə həsr olunmuş “Funksional analiz və onun tətbiqləri” adlı respublika elmi konfransının materialları. Bakı 2016, с.192-194
- Частный 2-субдиф-ференциал раздельно 2-липшицевых Функций ,tezis, Azərbaycan Ümummilli Lideri Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 93 illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş «Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın aktual problemləri» Recpublika elmi konfransınin materialları, Bakı 2016, s.158-160
- Оптимальности второго порядка для задачи нелинейного программирования, tezis, Akademik Məcid Rəsulovun anadan olmasının 100-cü ildömünə həsr olunmuş “Nəzəri və tətbiqi riyaziyyatın aktual məsələləri” adlı respublika elmi konfransının materialları. Bakı 2016, s.258-262
- Bir optimal idarəetmə məsələsinin qradienti, tezis, Azərbaycan Ümummilli Lideri Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 93 illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş «Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın aktual problemləri» Recpublika elmi konfransınin materialları, Bakı 2016, S.109-111
- Higher order conditions in nondifferentiable programming problems, Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics vol.43 №1, p. 79-97.
- Cyбдифференциал второго порядка. Экстремальные задачи для операторных включений. Баку, 2017, Препринт №1, 107c.
- О принципе лагранжа в задачах на экстремум при наличии ограничений. Вестник БГУ №1, 2017, c.
- Задачи негладкой минимизации. European multi science journal, 2018, № 15, p.33-41.
- Nondiferentiable optimization. Scitechnology, 2018, №9, p.31-42.
- Cильно дискретно-выпуклая функция и ее свойства. Проблемы науки, 2018, v.32, 8, c.10-21, сов. Садыгов И.М.
- Функции точного штрафа. Актуальная наука (международный журнал), 2018,№2, с.6-20.
- Экстремальная задача для интегрального включения. Актуальная наука (международный журнал), 2018,№6, с.5-35.
- Оптимальные системы с обобщенным управлением. Проблемы науки, 2018, v.33,№9, Сов. Мирзоева И.Г.
- Достаточные условия оптимальности второго порядка. Проблемы науки, 2018, v.33,№9, с.89-97.
- Hепрерывная зависимость решений операторного включенияот возмущения. Scitechnology, 2018, №13, с.3-15.
- Necessary conditions of the extremuym in nondifferetiable program-ming problems. Тransactions of Аcadsemy of Sciences of Аzerbaijan, 2018, v.38, Issue 1, p.157-176.
- Экстремальная задача для дифференциального включения типа Гур-са-Дарбу в бесконечной области. Труды Института Прикладной Матема-тики. Баку, 2018, v.7, N1, c.3-18. Сов. Мамедова С.С, Ахундов И.С.
- A gradient in optimal control problem of processes described by first order system. Proceedings of the 6thInternational Conference on control and optimization with industrial applications, V.I, 11-13 July,2018, Baku , p.321-323.
- Subdifferential of the second order and condition of the optimality. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on control and optimization with industrial applications, V.I, 11-13 July,2018, Baku, p.324-326. Сов. Mirzayeva Н.G., Axundov H.S.
- Necessary and sufficient conditions for nondifferetiable programming problems. Международная научная конференция «Динамические системы: устойчивость, управление, оптимизация, Минск, 22-29 сентября 2018.
- Extremum problems for nonsmooth system. Baku, Azerb. Tech.University, 1996, 148 p.
- Nonsmooth analysis and its applications to the extremum problems for Goursa-Darboux type differential inclusions Baku, "Elm", 1999,135p.
- Analysis of nonsmooth optimization problems. Baku, 2002. 125 p.
- An investigation of first and second order subdifferential of nonsmooth functions. Baku-Elm, 2006, 224p.
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- Экстремальные задачи для включений параболического и эллиптического типов. Препринт N 2, Баку, 2009.72 c.
- Экстремальные задачи для включения гиперболического типа. Препринт.Баку, 2010, 62 c.
- Экстремальные задачи для включения в частных производных. Препринт.Баку, 2010. 101 c.
- Cубдифференциал высшего порядка и оптимизация. monoqrafiya Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, 2014,359p.
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