Misrəddin Sadıqov

Misrəddin Sadıqov

Fizika-riyaziyyat elmləri doktoru, professor

İş telefonu:(+99412)510 34 07

e-mail: misraddin@box.az



1954-cü il, dekabrın 10-da Ermənistan Respublikasının Krasnoselo rayonunun Cil kəndində anadan olub.

1962-1972-ci illərdə Krasnoselo rayonunun Cil kənd orta məktəbində oxuyub.

1972-1977-ci illərdə BDU-nun Mexanika-riyaziyyat fakültəsinin əyani şö­bə­sin­də təh­sil alıb.

1993-cü ildən BDU-da çalışır.

Ailəlidir, üç övladı var.


1972-1977,tələbə, Mexanika-riyaziyyat fakültəsi,BDU

1981-1984,dissertant, Azərbaycan EA-nın Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

1984, f.-r.e.n., «Diferensial daxilolmanın optimal trayektoriyasının xassəsi»

1993, f.-r.e.d., «Çoxdəyişənli hamar olmayan variasiya məsələsinin və diferensial daxilolmanın tədqiqi»


2008- h/h , professor, İdarəetmə nəzəriyyəsinin riyazi üsulları kafedrası, Mexanika-riyaziyyat fakültəsi, BDU

1998-2008, professor, Optimallaşdırma və idarəetmə  kafedrası, Tətbiqi-riyaziyyat fakültəsi, BDU

1997-1998, baş müəllim,Optimallaşdırma və idarəetmə  kafedrası, Tətbiqi-riyaziyyat fakültəsi, BDU

1994-1998, şöbə müdiri, Azərbaycan EA-nın Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

1987-1993, baş elmi işçi, Azərbaycan EA-nın Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

1985-1987, kiçik elmi işçi, Azərbaycan EA-nın Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

1981-1985, proqramçı-riyaziyyatçı, Azərbaycan EA-nın Riyaziyyat və Mexanika İnstitutu

1979-1981, mühəndis-proqramçı, Azərbaycan EA-nın Kibernetika İnstitutu

1978-1979, baş laborant, Azərbaycan EA-nın Kibernetika İnstitutu

Apardığı dərslər: Variyasiya hesabı, Stoxostik optimal idarəetmə məsələsi, Oyunlar nəzəriyyəsi, İdarəetmə və müşahidə.

94 elmi məqalənin və 5 monoqrafiyanın  müəllifidir.


Qeyri hamar riyazi proqramlaşdırma, Diferensial daxilolma üçün ekstremal məsələ, Hamar olmayan analiz.


  • Extremum conditions for a nonsmooth multidimensional variational problems. Fourth conference on differential eguations and applications. Rousse, 1989.
  • On necessary conditions of extremum for multidimensional differential inclusions. Thesis of rapovts of All-Union conference on nonsmooth analysis and its applications to Math. Economics. Baku, 1991, p.48.
  • Second order necessary conditions of extremum for nonsmooth functions. Thesis of rapovts of
  • All-Union conference on nonsmooth analysis and its applications to Math. Economics. Baku, 1991,
  • Necessary conditions of extremum for  differential inclusions. Regional Conference on Mathematics and theoretical physics. Tabriz University, 1992, p.22 (joint with Maksudov F.G. ).
  • First and second order necessary conditions for nonsmooth variational problems.  Azerbaijan -Turkish
  • Mathematical Symposium, Trabzon 1993, p.78-81(joint with Maksudov F.G. ).
  • Necessary conditions in nonsmooth optimization. . Proc. of  the I-st International  Conference on problems of  Mathematical Economics,  Nonsmooth Analysis and Informatics, Baku, 1997, p.206-218.
  • On some properties of the bidifferential. Ist Turkish world mathematics symposium. Turkey, Elazık, 1999, p.181-182.
  • About minimization of a difference of convex integral functionals.  International  Conference Facilities mathem. Model., Sanct Petersburg, 2003, p.163 (joint with Axundov I.S.).
  • Some characteristic binormal and bitangent cones. Thesis X International Conf. on math. and mech. devoted to 45-th anniversary Ins. Math. and Mech., Baku-2004, p.141.
  • An investigation of the bisublinear functions. Abstracts of the  International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, Baku 2005, p. 86
  • The analysis of nonconvex dynamical extremum problem. Abstracts of the  International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial  Applications, Baku 2005, p. 87 (joint with Sadygov A.M.).
  • On a minimization of nonsmooth functionals in  Sobolev space.  XIII International Conference on automatic control , Vinnytsia 2006, p.43 (joint with Axundov I.S.).
  • On property positively bihomogenous function. Thesis X International Conf. on math. and mech. Devoted
  • to 70-th anniversary of the corresponding member of NAS of Azerbaijan, prof. B.A. Isgenderov, Baku-2004, p.141.
  • On extremal problem with discrete inclusions. Extended Abstracts of the 38th Annual Iranian Mahematics Conference. University of Zanyan, 3-6 September 2007, p.424-426.
  • The properties of binormal and bitangent cones. IIst Turkish world mathematics symposium. Turkey, 2007,  p.41.
  • Investigation of the n-positively homogenous functions. The  International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, Baku,2-4 June, 2008, p.158.
  • The properties of the n-Conjugate functions. (joint with M.Açıkgöz ) The  International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, Bacu, 2-4 June, 2008, p.18.
  • On Extremal Problem For Multidimenzional Diskrete İnclusions with Constraints. ( joint with Gadjiev A.N., Yaqubov M.A. )  The  International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, Baku,  2-4 June, 2008, p.64.
  • Subdifferensial of the functions in concrete spaces. The International Conference on differential equation and
  • topologi devoted to 100-th anniversary from birthday of Pontryaqin . Moscow. 2008, 17-22 June , p. 284-285.


  1. On necessary conditions of extremum in one class of nonsmooth functions. Izv. Akad. Nauk Azerb. SSR. 1980, № 4, p.118-124.
  2. On some necessary and sufficient conditions of minimum for differential inclusions. Moscow. Dep. VINITI. 1982, № 201-82, 18p.
  3. Necessary and sufficient conditions of  optimality for differential inclusions. Moscow. Dep. VINITI. 1982, № 3786-82, 27p.
  4. Necessary conditions for an extremum of nonsmooth functions. Proc. of  young scientists Conf. Baku, 1983.
  5. Extremum convex dynamic and i'ts applications. Izv. Akad. Nauk Azerb., Phys.-Tech. and Math. Series, 1983, № 4, p.40-47(with Maksudov F.G. and Rubinov A.M.).
  6. Characteristic optimum trajectory for differential inclusion Ph.D. thesis, Baku, (1984), 116 pages.
  7. Characteristic optimum trajectory for differential inclusion Ph.D. thesis, Baku, (1984), 20 pages.
  8. On conjugation of functional given in Sobolev space. Moscow. Dep. VINITI. 1984, № 1008-84, 20p.
  9. On some necessary and sufficient conditions of minimum for differential inclusions. Dokl. Akad. Nauk Azerb., 1984, № 2, p.6-9.
  10. On minimization of integral functionals. Moscow. Dep. VINITI. 1985, № 251- 85, 21p.
  11. On one extremal problem in Sobolev space. Izv. Akad. Nauk Azerb., Phys.-Tech. and Math. Series, 1985, № 6,  p.25-33.
  12. On necessary and sufficient conditions for a minimum of integral functional. Proc. of  young scientists Conf. on Mathematics and Mechanics. Baku, 1983.
  13. On minimization of integral functionals in Sobolev space. Preprint № 165, Baku, 1986, 48p.
  14. On minimization of integral functionals. Soviet Math. Dokl. 1986, vol.288, № 5, p.1050-1054.
  15. About an existence of generalized minimization and approximal solutions. Moscow. Dep. VINITI. 1986, № 5106-B86, 17p.
  16. On minimization of one-dimensional variational problems. Proc. of  young scientists Conf. on Mathematics and Mechanics. Baku, "Elm" 1987, p.246-248.
  17. On minimization of n-dimensional variational problems. Proc. of  young scientists Conf. on Mathematics and Mechanics. Baku, "Elm"1987, p.249-252.
  18. A generalized solution of extremal problems. Preprint № 201, Baku, 1987, 30p.
  19. An existence of minimization of generalized and approximal solution. DAN  Azerb. SSR, 1987, № 9, p.7-10.
  20. On generalized solution of optimization problems. Izv. Akad. Nauk Azerb., Phys.-Tech. and Math. Series, 1988, № 4,  p.28-37.
  21. High order necessary conditions of extremum. Proc. of. Rep. Conf. of young scientists on
  22. Mathematics and Mechanics. Baku, "Elm"1989, v.1, p.276-280.
  23. Extremum conditions for a nonsmooth multidimensional variational problems. Fourth conferenceon differential eguations and applications. Rousse, 1989.
  24. High order necessary conditions of extremum for nonsmooth functions. Izv. Akad. Nauk Azerb.,Phys.-Tech. and Math. Series, 1989, № 5,  p.33-47.
  25. Second order necessary conditions of extremum for integral functionals.  Proc. of.  Rep. Conf. of young scientists on Mathematics and  Mechanics.  Baku, "Elm"1991,  p.218-219.
  26. Investigation of nonsmooth variational problems. Preprint № 79, Baku, 1991,73p.
  27. On necessary conditions of extremum for multidimensional differential inclusions. Thesis of rapovtsof All-Union conference on nonsmooth analysis and its applications to Math. Economics. Baku, 1991,p.48.
  28. Second order necessary conditions of extremum for nonsmooth functions. Thesis of rapovts of   All-Union conference on nonsmooth analysis and its applications to Math. Economics. Baku, 1991,   p.49.
  29. Necessary extremum conditions  for  differential inclusions.Preprint № 426, Baku 1991, 42p.
  30. Subdifferential of high order.-Soviet Math. Dokl. 1991, v.320, № 5, p.594- 598.
  31. A first and second order necessary conditions for nonsmooth variational problems. Choose question      of Mathematics and Mechanics. Baku, "Elm"1992, p.3-15(joint with Maksudov F.G. ).
  32. Necessary conditions of extremum for  differential inclusions. Regional Conference on Mathematics      and theoretical physics. Tabriz University, 1992, p.22 (joint with Maksudov F.G. ).
  33. Investigation of nonsmooth multidimensional variational problems and differential inclusions. Doctor.     disser. Minsk, 1992, 209p.
  34. Investigation of nonsmooth multidimensional variational problems and differential inclusions.      Avtoreferat doctor. disser. Minsk, 1992, 31p.
  35. First and second order necessary conditions for nonsmooth variational problems.  Azerbaijan -Turkish Mathematical Symposium, Trabzon 1993, p.78-81(joint with Maksudov F.G. ).
  36. A necessary conditions for multidimensional differential inclusions. Applied nonlinear analysis.      Baku, 1994, p.3-28.
  37. An extremal problem for dynamic family mappings. Applied nonlinear analysis. Baku, 1994,      p.29-39.
  38. High order necessary conditions of extremum for nonsmooth minimization problem. Economics   and math. met. Moscow, 1994, v.30, 1, p.148-160.
  39. Second order derivatives of set-valued mappings and bitangential cones. Proc. of. Rep.Conf.    of young scientists  on Mathematics and  Mechanics. Baku, "Elm" 1994,  p.90-94.
  40. Second order derivatives by direction and bitangent cones. Proc. of  Inst. Math. and Mech.,    t.III(IX), Baku, 1995, p.67-83.
  41. On extremum problems for two-dimensional differential inclusions.  Proc. of. Rep.Conf.of      Mathematics and  Mechanics  Baku, "Elm"1995,  p.194-196.
  42. Extremum problems for two-dimensional differential inclusions.  Izv. Akad. Nauk Azerb., Phys.-Tech.  and Math. Series, 1995, № 1-3,  p.71-81.
  43. On necessary conditions for two-dimensional differential inclusions. Proc. of  the Reg. Conf. on math.      and phys. Tabriz, 1995, p.436-461.
  44. On extremum problems for nonsmooth optimization. Proc. of Inst. Math. and Mech., Baku, 1996,      p.64-71.
  45. Extremum problems for nonsmooth system. Baku, Azerb. Tech.University, 1996, 148 p.
  46. Necessary conditions in nonsmooth optimization. . Proc. of  the I-st International  Conference on      problems of  Mathematical Economics,  Nonsmooth Analysis and Informatics, Baku, 1997, p.206-218.
  47. Necessary extremum conditions for two-dimensional differential inclusions. Proc. of Inst.  math. and      mech., Baku, 1998,v VIII,  p.186-198.
  48. On behavior of trajectories of differential inclusions in infinity. Izv. Akad. Nauk Azerb., Phys.-Tech.  and Math. Series , 1998, № 1, p.55-68.
  49. On relationship of solution of differential inclusions with convex and non convex right hand side.      Izv. Akad. Nauk Azerb., Phys.-Tech. and Math. Series, 1998,  № 2,  p.80-83 (joint with Aslanov Y.M.).
  50. On extremum problems for two-dimensional Goursa-Darboux type differential inclusions. Izv. Akad.      Nauk Azerb., Phys.-Tech. and Math. Series, 1998, № 3, p.65-76.
  51. An existence of generalized solutions of optimization problems. Proc. of  Inst. math. and mech., 1998, p.44-58.
  52. On solution of a  three dimensional differential inclusion. Moscow, Dep. VINITI, 1999, № 1727-B 99, 32p. (joint with Aslanov Y.M.).
  53. On some properties of the bidifferential. Ist Turkish world mathematics symposium. Turkey, 1999,      p.181-182.
  54. On properties of second order subdifferensial. Second International symposium on math. and comput.      application, Baku, 1999,  p.52-53.
  55. Nonsmooth analysis and its applications to the extremum problems for Goursa-Darboux type differential inclusions  Baku, "Elm", 1999,135p.
  56. On properties of the high order subdifferensial. Math. Dokl. 1999, V .55, № 1-2, p.39-43.
  57. On the properties of a bidifferential. Proc. Ins. Math. and  Mech. Azerb. Acad. Sci., 1999, V. XI,      p. 136-149.
  58. On the properties of a second order subdifferensial. Trans. of  Sci. of Azerb., Ser. of phys.-tech.      and math. sci.-1999, V. 19, № 1-2. Math. and Mech., p. 256-165.
  59. n second order subdifferensial of convex functions. Proc Ins. Math. and Mech. Azerb. Acad. Sci.,      2000. V .XI, p. 115-127.
  60. Subdifferensial and still point of image. Math. Dokl. Azerb. 2000, № 4-6, p. 42-48.
  61. On the gemotric aspects of second order subdifferential  . Math. Dokl. Azerb. 2000, № 4-5, p.35-38.
  62. On extemal problem for Goursa-Darboux type differential inclusions, 1. Proceedings of IMM of NAS        of   Azerb. Vol.24, 2001. p.79-93
  63. On extremal problem for Goursa-Darboux type differential inclusions, 2. Proceedings of IMM of NAS of Azerb. Vol.24, 2001. p.211-222.
  64. Nonsmooth extremum  problem  with restrictions. Proc. of  Scientific Conf. devoted to 85-th      anniversary from birthday of prof. A.Sh.Gabibzade. Baku-2001. p.172-175.
  65. Analysis of nonsmooth  optimization problems. Baku, 2002. 125 p.
  66. About necessary extremum conditions in mathematical programming problems. Math.Dokl.Azerb.      2002, № 3-4, p.18-25.
  67. Conditions of  minimum of second order in extreme problem for Goursa-Darboux type inclusions.      Thesis of scientific Conf. devoted to 85-th anniversary from birthday of prof. G.K. Namazova . Baku-      2002, p.113-116.
  68. About minimization of a difference of convex integral functionals.  International  Conference Facilities mathem. Model., Sanct Petersburg, 2003, p.163 (joint with Axundov I.S.).
  69. About second order subdifferential of the  bisublinear functionals and operators. Preprint. Baku       2003, 46p.
  70. About extremum problem for discrete inclusions. Izv. IK Akad. Nauk Azerb., 2003, t.23, № 3,      p.99-103 (joint with Mirzayeva H.G.).
  71. On extremum conditions in  mathematical programming problems. Trans. of  Sci. of Azerb., Phys.-tech. and Math. Series, 2004, T.23, № 1, p.187-196.
  72. Some characteristic binormal and bitangent cones. Thesis X International Conf. on math. and mech.      devoted to 45-th anniversary Ins. Math. and Mech., Baku-2004, p.141.
  73. Investigation of convex functions. Transactions of NAS  Azerb., 2004, T.23, № 1, p.187-196.
  74. First and second order subdifferential of functions, determined on Cartesian product a space. Preprint. Baku 2004, 66p.
  75. Study of bisublinear functions and extreme problem with multivariate discrete inclusions. Preprint.      Baku 2005, 36p.
  76. An investigation of the bisublinear functions. Abstracts of the  International Conference on Control      and Optimization with Industrial Applications, Baku 2005, p. 86
  77. The analysis of nonconvex dynamical extremum problem. Abstracts of the  International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial  Applications, Baku 2005, p. 87 (joint with Sadygov A.M.).
  78. About necessary and sufficient conditions of extremum with restrictions and study of biproturberant functions. Preprint, Baku-2005, 43p.
  79. About sufficient and necessary conditions with constraints. Trans. of Sci. of Azerb., Ser. of phys.-       tech. and math. sci, 2006, № 1, p.56-65.
  80. Study of  bipositively uniform functions. Preprint, Baku-2006, 37p.
  81. On a minimization of nonsmooth functionals in  Sobolev space. Izv. IK  Akad. Nauk Azerb. 2006,      t.26, № 2, p.54-59 (joint with Axundov I.S.).
  82. On a minimization of nonsmooth functionals in  Sobolev space.  XIII International      Conference on automatic control , Vinnytsia 2006, p.43 (joint with Axundov I.S.).
  83. The optimal control of the discrete inclusions with delay. An International Journal ‘'Appl. and Comput. Math.'' 5 (2006), no.1, p.106-112 (joint with Mirzayeva H.G.).
  84. An investigation of subdifferential of nonsmooth functions and bipositively uniform functions.Preprint,      Baku-2006, 50p.
  85. An investigation of first and second order subdifferential of nonsmooth functions. Baku-Elm 2006,     224p.
  86. On extremal problem with discrete inclusions. Extended Abstracts of the 38th Annual Iranian Mathe     matics Conference. University of Zanyan, 3-6 September 2007, p.424-426.
  87. Of characteristic of solution for discrete  and differential inclusion.  Preprint. Baku 2007, 54p.
  88. The properties of binormal and bitangent cones. IIst Turkish world mathematics symposium. Turkey,      2007,   p.41.
  89. On extremal problem of a  three dimensional differential inclusion and of a  two dimensional  discrete      inclusion. Baku 2008, 54p.
  90. n-Convex and n-proturberant functions. Baku-Myallim LTD, 2008, 115p.
  91. Investigation of the n-positively homogenous functions. The  International Conference on Control      and Optimization with Industrial Applications, Baku,2-4 June, 2008, p.158.
  92. The properties of the n-Conjugate functions. (joint with M.Açıkgöz ) The  International Conference       on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, Bacu, 2-4 June, 2008, p.18.
  93. On Extremal Problem For Multidimenzional Diskrete İnclusions with Constraints. ( joint with Gadjiev A.N., Yaqubov M.A. )  The  International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial        Applications, Baku,  2-4 June, 2008, p.64.
  94. Subdifferensial of the functions in concrete spaces. The International Conference on differential equation and topologi devoted to 100-th anniversary from birthday of Pontryaqin . Moscow. 2008, 17-22 June ,  p. 284-285.
  95. Исследование n - положительно однородных функций. Math.Dokl.Azerb., 2009, LXV, № 2, c.23-31
  96. Subdifferentiality of functions in concrete spaces. “Elmi əsərlər” fizika-riyaziyyat və texnika elmləri seriyası. № 3 (28), Naxçıvan, NDU, “Qeyrət”-2009.səh.7-17
  97. Extreme problem for three dimensionnal differential inclusions. Turkish world  mathematics symposium. Kazaxstan, 2009. p.96.
  98. Subdiferensialın xassəsi. Tələbələr, magistrantlar, aspirantlar və gənc tədqiqatçıların «Riyaziyyat və mexanikanın aktual problemləri» adlı  ənənəvi konfransının materialları, Bakı, 2010. s.99-101.
  99. Релаксация невыпуклых задач включения гиперболического типа.AMEA-nın müxbir üzvü Y.C.Məmmədovun anadan olmasının 80 illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş beynəlxalq konfransın tezisləri.
  100. Достаточные условия для локального минимума. Труды Института Прикладной Математики. Баку, 2014, v.3, N2 статья c.212-233.
  101. An extreme problem for a Volterra type integral inclusion, tezis The 5-th International Conference on Control and optimization with industrial applications. Baku, 2015, p.163-168.
  102. On a extremal problem for Goursat-Darboux type inclusion  in infinite domain. The 5-th International Conference on Control and optimization with industrial applications. Baku, 2015, статья p.160-163
  103. Непрерывность и дифференцируемость выпуклых функций tezis Magistrant, Doktrant və gənc tədqiqatçıların                «Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın aktual problemləri»   Respublika elmi konfransınin materialları Bakı 2015
  104. Об одном обобщении  производной по направлению  функций, Magistrant, Doktrant və gənc tədqiqatçıların «Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın aktual problemləri» Respublika elmi konfransınin materialları, Bakı, 2015, c.
  105. Необходимые условия экстремума в задачах недифференцируемого программ-мирования. Препринт, Препринт №1, Баку 2016, 83с.
  106. О необходимых и достаточных условиях для минимума в вариационной задаче, статья, Proceedings of IAM, V.4, № 2, 2015, p.119-135
  107. Необходимые и достаточные условия оптимальности высокого порядка ,статья, Вестник Бакинского Университета,  Баку, 2015, N3, Стр.34-41
  108. О необходимых условиях в экстре-мальных задачах с ограничением. tezis, Azərbaycan Ümummilli Lideri Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 93 illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş «Riyaziyyat və Mexani-kanın aktual problemləri» Recpublika elmi konfran-sınin materialları, Bakı 2016, s.154-158
  109. Об условиях в экстремума в задачах математи-ческого прог-раммирования, tezis, Əmir Şamil oğlu Həbibzadənin anadan olmasının 100-cü Ildönümünə həsr olunmuş “Funksional analiz və onun tətbiqləri” adlı respublika elmi konfransının materialları. Bakı 2016, с.192-194
  110. Частный 2-субдиф-ференциал раздельно 2-липшицевых Функций ,tezis, Azərbaycan Ümummilli Lideri Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 93 illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş «Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın aktual problemləri» Recpublika elmi konfransınin materialları, Bakı 2016, s.158-160
  111. Оптимальности второго порядка для задачи нелинейного программирования, tezis, Akademik Məcid Rəsulovun anadan olmasının 100-cü ildömünə həsr olunmuş “Nəzəri və tətbiqi riyaziyyatın aktual məsələləri” adlı respublika elmi konfransının materialları. Bakı 2016, s.258-262
  112. Bir optimal idarəetmə məsələsinin qradienti, tezis, Azərbaycan Ümummilli Lideri Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 93 illik yubileyinə həsr olunmuş «Riyaziyyat və Mexanikanın aktual problemləri» Recpublika elmi konfransınin materialları, Bakı 2016, S.109-111
  113. Higher order conditions in nondifferentiable programming problems, Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics vol.43 №1, p. 79-97.
  114. Cyбдифференциал второго порядка. Экстремальные задачи для операторных включений.  Баку, 2017, Препринт №1, 107c.
  115. О принципе лагранжа в задачах на экстремум при наличии ограничений.  Вестник БГУ №1,  2017,  c.
  116. Задачи негладкой минимизации. European multi science journal, 2018, № 15,   p.33-41.
  117. Nondiferentiable optimization. Scitechnology, 2018, №9, p.31-42.
  118. Cильно дискретно-выпуклая функция и ее свойства. Проблемы науки, 2018, v.32, 8, c.10-21, сов. Садыгов И.М.
  119. Функции точного штрафа. Актуальная наука (международный журнал), 2018,№2, с.6-20.
  120. Экстремальная задача для интегрального включения. Актуальная наука (международный журнал), 2018,№6, с.5-35.
  121. Оптимальные системы с обобщенным управлением. Проблемы науки, 2018, v.33,№9,  Сов. Мирзоева И.Г.
  122. Достаточные условия оптимальности второго порядка. Проблемы науки, 2018, v.33,№9, с.89-97.
  123. Hепрерывная зависимость решений операторного включенияот возмущения. Scitechnology, 2018, №13, с.3-15.
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