Afaq Huseynova
Afaq Huseynova Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior lecturer Telephone: (+994) 12 510 33 64 E-mail: PERSONAL INFORMATION Date of Birth: March 2nd, 1957 Place of Birth: Baku, Azerbaijan Marital Status: Married Children: two child EDUCATION 1964-1974, secondary school #158, Baku 1974-1979, student of Mechanics-mathematics faculty, BSU 2002-2007, dissertate, Mechanics-mathematics faculty, BSU 2007, candidate of phys. and math. sciences, «Investigation of the one-dimensional non-self-adjoint mixed problem for one class of the half-linear differential equations of the third order» EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 2006- to the present, senior lecturer of Algebra and Geometry department, Mechanics-mathematics faculty, BSU 1991-2006, lecturer of Algebra and Geometry department, Mechanics-mathematics faculty, BSU 1981-1991, senior research assistant of Algebra and Geometry department, Mechanics-mathematics faculty, BSU 1979-1981, research assistant of Algebra and Geometry department, Mechanics-mathematics faculty, BSU Courses: Algebra and the theory of numbers, Algebra and geometry Author of 16 scientific articles SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES Mixed problem for one class of the half-linear differential equations of the third order |