Aydin Aliyev

Candidate of Physics and Mathematical Sciences

Telephone: (+994) 12 438 21 54

E-mail: aydın_aliyev66@mail.ru


Date of Birth: April 21st 1996

Place of Birth: Baku, Azerbaijan

Marital Status: Married

Children: one child


1973-1983, secondary school №13, Baku

1983-1988, student of Mechanics-mathematics faculty of Baku State University

1988-1991, ph.d. student of Mechanics-mathematics faculty of Baku State University

1992, candidate of physics and mathematical sciences « On the numerical solution of nonlocal boundary-value problems for the elliptical equations»

1995, associate professor


1991-to the present, employee of Baku State University

1995- to the present, associate professor of Computational mathematics department of Mechanics-mathematics faculty of Baku State University

1993-1995, senior lecturer of Computational Mathematics department, BSU

1991-1993,the assistant of Computational Mathematics department, BSU

Courses:"Computational methods", "Computational mathematics" "Discrete mathematics", "Programming", "Informatics" .

Author  of more than 100 scientific works,  22 training programs and 11 textbooks.


Numerical solution of different types of the boundary-value problems of those set for the differential equations


  • 1991, Moscow, Russia: «International scientific and technical conference on the vital problems of the fundamental sciences»
  • 1994, Ankara, Turkey: «VII international mathematical symposium»
  • 1994, Baku, Azerbaijan: Scientific conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Baku State University
  • 1998, Baku, Azerbaijan: Scientific conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic
  • 2000, Baku, Azerbaijan: Scientific conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Baku State University
  • 2001, Baku, Azerbaijan: Scientific conference dedicated to 70th anniversary prof.Y.D..Mamedova
  • 2004, Baku, Azerbaijan: The X international conference on mathematics and mechanics dedicated to 45th anniversary of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics
  • 2004, Vinnitsa, the Ukraine: « Fourth international conference, Internet-Formation- science -2004»
  • 2006, Baku, Azerbaijan: Scientific conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary prof.Y.D.Mamedova
  • 2008, Baku, Azerbaijan: Scientific conference dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the national leader of Azerbaijan G.A.Alieva
  • 2009, Baku, Azerbaijan: International conference on mathematics and mechanics dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics
  • 2009, Baku, Azerbaijan: Scientific conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Baku State University
  • 2010, Baku, Azerbaijan: III International Conference "Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics», PCI'2010.
  • 2010, Baku, Azerbaijan: Scientific conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary prof.Y.D.Mamedova
  • 2011, Baku, Azerbaijan: Scientific Conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary akad.Z.I.Halilova
  • 2011, Kiev, Ukraine: IV International Conference behalf akad.I.I.Lyashko "Computational and Applied Mathematics"
  • 2011, Paris, France: International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing
  • 2012, Kiev, Ukraine: XIV International Conference behalf akad.M.Kravchuka
  • 2012, Ankara, Turkey: International Conference "Applied Mathematics and Approximation Theory"
  • 2012, Baku, Azerbaijan: IV International Conference "Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics», PCI'2012.
  • 2012, Vinnitsa, Ukraine: «VIII International Conference, Internet-Education-Science-2012"
  • 2012, Baku, Azerbaijan: Scientific conference dedicated to the 50th Anniversary of "Computational Mathematics" Baku State University
  • 2012, Abu Dhabi, UAE: International Conference Mathematical Science and Applications
  • 2013, Istanbul, Turkey: International Conference on Mathematical,Computational and Statistical Sciences and Engineering
  • 2015, Baku, Azerbaijan: Scientific conference dedicated to the 85th anniversary prof.Y.D.Mamedova
  • 2016, Baku, Azerbaijan: Scientific conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary prof.A.S.Gabibzade
  • 2016, Sheki, Azerbaijan: Scientific conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary acad.M.L.Rasulova
  • 2017, Hyderabad, India : International Conference on Materials, Alloys and Experimental Mechanics, ICMAEM-2017
  • 2017, Krasnoyarsk,  Russian Federation : The Sixth International Workshop on Mathematical Models and their Applications, IWMMA’2017


  • Effective truncation error of discrete Fourier method for nonlocal Dirichlet problem.Transactions of Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan,series of physical-technical and mathematical sciences,vol.XIX,mathematics and mechanics,№1-2, 1999,  pp. 3-13.
  • Effective error estimate for nonlocal Dirichlet problem. News of Baku University, a series of physical and mathematical sciences, № 1, 2002, pp.99-105 ..
  • Efficient error estimate method of net method for a mixed boundary value problem. Transactions of Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan,series of physical-technical and mathematical sciences,vol.XXIII,mathematics and mechanics,№ 4,2003, səh. 233-238.
  • Numerical solution of an inhomogeneous nonlocal mixed problem. Scientific and Technical Journal "Educational Technology", № 13, Voronezh, 2004, p.32-36
  • Numerical solution of nonlocal Dirichlet problem. Scientific and Technical Journal "Educational Technology", № 15, Voronezh, 2005, p.33-37
  • Numerical solution of one  nonhomogeneous nonlocal mixed problem. Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS, XXII is Baku, 2005, p.179-186
  • Effective error estimate higher order accuracy for nonlocal Dirichlet problem. Scientific and Technical Journal "Educational Technology", № 3, Voronezh, 2005, p.40-46
  • On the numerical solution of a mixed problem for the Laplace equation. Scientific and Technical Journal "Educational Technology", № 1, Voronezh, 2007, p.23-26
  • Effective error estimate of nine difference scheme for linear elliptic equations. Scientific and Technical Journal "New Technologies in Education », № 5, Voronezh, 2009, p.15-23
  • Difference scheme of higher accuracy order for solution a nonlocal problem. Proceedings III International Conference "Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics", Baku, 2010,p.270-273


  • Numerical solution of one  nonlocal mixed problem. Proceedings International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing, Paris, France,2011,p. 244-246
  • Numerical solution one nonlocal problem. Proceedings IV International Conference "Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics", Baku, 2012, pp. 115-118
  • Nine-point difference scheme for the numerical solution of a nonlocal Dirichlet problem. News of Baku University, a series of physical and mathematical sciences, № 1, 2012, pp. .30-38.
  • Numerical solution of a nonlocal mixed problem for partial differential equations. Universal Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences,India,Vol. 4, Number 1, 2013,p.51-62
  • Numerical solution of a non-local boundary value problem. Proceedings International Conference on Mathematical,Computational and Statistical Sciences and Engineering,Istanbul,Turkey,2013 ,p.1086-1091
  • The numerical solution of non-local problems for elliptic equations. News of Vinnitsa Polytechnic Institute, № 2,2013, pp. 87-91.
  • Difference scheme for solution of the Dirichlet.s problem. Journal of Concrete and Applicable Mathematics,USA,volume 11, number 1, 2013,p. 81-86
  • The numerical solution of the non-local Dirichlet problem for the Laplace equation. News of Vinnitsa Polytechnic Institute, № 1,2013, pp. 140-144
  • The numerical solution of non-linear non-local problems for elliptic equations. Journal of Concrete and Applicable Mathematics, USA ,volume 12, number 3-4, 2014,p. 205-216
  • The numerical solution of the equilibrium problem for a stretchable elastic beam. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 225(2017), 5 p.
  • Numerical solution and effective error estimation for a nonlocal mixed problem for the  Laplace equation in the process of intelligent modeling. International Journal on Information Technologies and Security № 1 (vol.10),2018, p.83-92


  1. Approximate methods for computing mathematical analysis. Textbook for high schools. Publisher Academy of Sciences, Baku, 1993, 139 pp.
  2. Approximate methods for computing algebra. Textbook for high schools. Publisher Academy of Sciences, Baku, 1993, 110 pp.
  3. Approximate methods of calculation of differential and integral equations. Textbook for high schools. Publisher Irshad, Baku, 1993, 175 pages
  4. Computer science and programming fundamentals. Textbook for high schools. Publisher Mutarcim, Baku, 1998, 216 pp.
  5. Elements of Discrete Mathematics. Textbook for high schools. Publisher Mutarcim, Baku, 2003, 92 pp.
  6. Programming Tasks. Textbook for high schools. Publisher University of Baku, Baku, 2004, 106 pp.
  7. Programming Workshop. Textbook for high schools. Publisher University of Baku, Baku, 2004, 116 pp.
  8. Informatics and programming. Textbook for high schools. Publisher Mutarcim, Baku, 2010, 404 pp.
  9. Basics of informatics. Textbook for high schools. Publisher Mutarcim, Baku, 2008,298 pp.
  10. Basics of informatics and programming. Textbook for high schools. Publisher University of Baku, Baku, 2016, 272 pp.
  11. Problems in Computational Mathematics. Textbook for high schools. Publisher University of Baku, Baku, 2018, 365 pp.


1.Grant conducted 2011 - 2014 years of Science Development Fundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (EİF-2011-1 (3)).

2. Grant conducted 2016 - 2019 years of Science Development Fundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (EİF-KETPL-2-2015-1(25)-56/07/1).

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