Aydin Aliyev
Candidate of Physics and Mathematical Sciences
Telephone: (+994) 12 438 21 54
E-mail: aydın_aliyev66@mail.ru
Date of Birth: April 21st 1996
Place of Birth: Baku, Azerbaijan
Marital Status: Married
Children: one child
1973-1983, secondary school №13, Baku
1983-1988, student of Mechanics-mathematics faculty of Baku State University
1988-1991, ph.d. student of Mechanics-mathematics faculty of Baku State University
1992, candidate of physics and mathematical sciences « On the numerical solution of nonlocal boundary-value problems for the elliptical equations»
1995, associate professor
1991-to the present, employee of Baku State University
1995- to the present, associate professor of Computational mathematics department of Mechanics-mathematics faculty of Baku State University
1993-1995, senior lecturer of Computational Mathematics department, BSU
1991-1993,the assistant of Computational Mathematics department, BSU
Courses:"Computational methods", "Computational mathematics" "Discrete mathematics", "Programming", "Informatics" .
Author of more than 100 scientific works, 22 training programs and 11 textbooks.
Numerical solution of different types of the boundary-value problems of those set for the differential equations
- 1991, Moscow, Russia: «International scientific and technical conference on the vital problems of the fundamental sciences»
- 1994, Ankara, Turkey: «VII international mathematical symposium»
- 1994, Baku, Azerbaijan: Scientific conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Baku State University
- 1998, Baku, Azerbaijan: Scientific conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic
- 2000, Baku, Azerbaijan: Scientific conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Baku State University
- 2001, Baku, Azerbaijan: Scientific conference dedicated to 70th anniversary prof.Y.D..Mamedova
- 2004, Baku, Azerbaijan: The X international conference on mathematics and mechanics dedicated to 45th anniversary of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics
- 2004, Vinnitsa, the Ukraine: « Fourth international conference, Internet-Formation- science -2004»
- 2006, Baku, Azerbaijan: Scientific conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary prof.Y.D.Mamedova
- 2008, Baku, Azerbaijan: Scientific conference dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the national leader of Azerbaijan G.A.Alieva
- 2009, Baku, Azerbaijan: International conference on mathematics and mechanics dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics
- 2009, Baku, Azerbaijan: Scientific conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Baku State University
- 2010, Baku, Azerbaijan: III International Conference "Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics», PCI'2010.
- 2010, Baku, Azerbaijan: Scientific conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary prof.Y.D.Mamedova
- 2011, Baku, Azerbaijan: Scientific Conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary akad.Z.I.Halilova
- 2011, Kiev, Ukraine: IV International Conference behalf akad.I.I.Lyashko "Computational and Applied Mathematics"
- 2011, Paris, France: International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing
- 2012, Kiev, Ukraine: XIV International Conference behalf akad.M.Kravchuka
- 2012, Ankara, Turkey: International Conference "Applied Mathematics and Approximation Theory"
- 2012, Baku, Azerbaijan: IV International Conference "Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics», PCI'2012.
- 2012, Vinnitsa, Ukraine: «VIII International Conference, Internet-Education-Science-2012"
- 2012, Baku, Azerbaijan: Scientific conference dedicated to the 50th Anniversary of "Computational Mathematics" Baku State University
- 2012, Abu Dhabi, UAE: International Conference Mathematical Science and Applications
- 2013, Istanbul, Turkey: International Conference on Mathematical,Computational and Statistical Sciences and Engineering
- 2015, Baku, Azerbaijan: Scientific conference dedicated to the 85th anniversary prof.Y.D.Mamedova
- 2016, Baku, Azerbaijan: Scientific conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary prof.A.S.Gabibzade
- 2016, Sheki, Azerbaijan: Scientific conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary acad.M.L.Rasulova
- 2017, Hyderabad, India : International Conference on Materials, Alloys and Experimental Mechanics, ICMAEM-2017
- 2017, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation : The Sixth International Workshop on Mathematical Models and their Applications, IWMMA’2017
- Effective truncation error of discrete Fourier method for nonlocal Dirichlet problem.Transactions of Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan,series of physical-technical and mathematical sciences,vol.XIX,mathematics and mechanics,№1-2, 1999, pp. 3-13.
- Effective error estimate for nonlocal Dirichlet problem. News of Baku University, a series of physical and mathematical sciences, № 1, 2002, pp.99-105 ..
- Efficient error estimate method of net method for a mixed boundary value problem. Transactions of Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan,series of physical-technical and mathematical sciences,vol.XXIII,mathematics and mechanics,№ 4,2003, səh. 233-238.
- Numerical solution of an inhomogeneous nonlocal mixed problem. Scientific and Technical Journal "Educational Technology", № 13, Voronezh, 2004, p.32-36
- Numerical solution of nonlocal Dirichlet problem. Scientific and Technical Journal "Educational Technology", № 15, Voronezh, 2005, p.33-37
- Numerical solution of one nonhomogeneous nonlocal mixed problem. Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS, XXII is Baku, 2005, p.179-186
- Effective error estimate higher order accuracy for nonlocal Dirichlet problem. Scientific and Technical Journal "Educational Technology", № 3, Voronezh, 2005, p.40-46
- On the numerical solution of a mixed problem for the Laplace equation. Scientific and Technical Journal "Educational Technology", № 1, Voronezh, 2007, p.23-26
- Effective error estimate of nine difference scheme for linear elliptic equations. Scientific and Technical Journal "New Technologies in Education », № 5, Voronezh, 2009, p.15-23
- Difference scheme of higher accuracy order for solution a nonlocal problem. Proceedings III International Conference "Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics", Baku, 2010,p.270-273
- Numerical solution of one nonlocal mixed problem. Proceedings International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing, Paris, France,2011,p. 244-246
- Numerical solution one nonlocal problem. Proceedings IV International Conference "Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics", Baku, 2012, pp. 115-118
- Nine-point difference scheme for the numerical solution of a nonlocal Dirichlet problem. News of Baku University, a series of physical and mathematical sciences, № 1, 2012, pp. .30-38.
- Numerical solution of a nonlocal mixed problem for partial differential equations. Universal Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences,India,Vol. 4, Number 1, 2013,p.51-62
- Numerical solution of a non-local boundary value problem. Proceedings International Conference on Mathematical,Computational and Statistical Sciences and Engineering,Istanbul,Turkey,2013 ,p.1086-1091
- The numerical solution of non-local problems for elliptic equations. News of Vinnitsa Polytechnic Institute, № 2,2013, pp. 87-91.
- Difference scheme for solution of the Dirichlet.s problem. Journal of Concrete and Applicable Mathematics,USA,volume 11, number 1, 2013,p. 81-86
- The numerical solution of the non-local Dirichlet problem for the Laplace equation. News of Vinnitsa Polytechnic Institute, № 1,2013, pp. 140-144
- The numerical solution of non-linear non-local problems for elliptic equations. Journal of Concrete and Applicable Mathematics, USA ,volume 12, number 3-4, 2014,p. 205-216
- The numerical solution of the equilibrium problem for a stretchable elastic beam. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 225(2017), 5 p.
- Numerical solution and effective error estimation for a nonlocal mixed problem for the Laplace equation in the process of intelligent modeling. International Journal on Information Technologies and Security № 1 (vol.10),2018, p.83-92
- Approximate methods for computing mathematical analysis. Textbook for high schools. Publisher Academy of Sciences, Baku, 1993, 139 pp.
- Approximate methods for computing algebra. Textbook for high schools. Publisher Academy of Sciences, Baku, 1993, 110 pp.
- Approximate methods of calculation of differential and integral equations. Textbook for high schools. Publisher Irshad, Baku, 1993, 175 pages
- Computer science and programming fundamentals. Textbook for high schools. Publisher Mutarcim, Baku, 1998, 216 pp.
- Elements of Discrete Mathematics. Textbook for high schools. Publisher Mutarcim, Baku, 2003, 92 pp.
- Programming Tasks. Textbook for high schools. Publisher University of Baku, Baku, 2004, 106 pp.
- Programming Workshop. Textbook for high schools. Publisher University of Baku, Baku, 2004, 116 pp.
- Informatics and programming. Textbook for high schools. Publisher Mutarcim, Baku, 2010, 404 pp.
- Basics of informatics. Textbook for high schools. Publisher Mutarcim, Baku, 2008,298 pp.
- Basics of informatics and programming. Textbook for high schools. Publisher University of Baku, Baku, 2016, 272 pp.
- Problems in Computational Mathematics. Textbook for high schools. Publisher University of Baku, Baku, 2018, 365 pp.
1.Grant conducted 2011 - 2014 years of Science Development Fundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (EİF-2011-1 (3)).
2. Grant conducted 2016 - 2019 years of Science Development Fundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (EİF-KETPL-2-2015-1(25)-56/07/1).