Aygun Huseynova
Aygun Huseynova Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Assistant Telephone: (+994) 12 510 34 07 E-mail: optimalidareetme@mail.ru
PERSONAL INFORMATION Date of Birth: August 10th, 1976 Place of Birth: Ganja, Azerbaijan Marital Status: Married Children: one child EDUCATION 1983-1993, secondary school #276, Baku, Azerbaijan 1993-1997, student of Mechanics-mathematics faculty, BSU 1997-1999, master of Mechanics-mathematics faculty, BSU 2000-2004, dissertate of Mechanics-mathematics faculty, BSU 2005, candidate of phys. and math. sciences, «On the asymptotic behaviors of the solution of some integrodifferential equations.» EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 1999- to the present, assistant of Mathematical methods of control and optimization, Mechanics- mathematics faculty, BSU Courses: The calculus of variations and the methods of optimization, Mathematical theory of games, Differential and integrodifferential equations with the singular disturbances, Higher mathematics Author of 17 scientific articles and 1 book PARTICIPATION IN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES AND SYMPOSIUMS