Fahreddin Muhtarov
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate professor
Telephone: (+994) 12 438 05 82
E-mail: aliriyaziyyat@mail.ru
Date of Birth: December 14th 1954
Place of Birth: Yeniyol village, Amasi region, West Azerbaijan
Marital Status: Married
1960-1970, secondary school in Amasi region
1971-1976, student of Mechanics-mathematics faculty, BSU
1978-1981, ph.d. student of Institute of Mathematics and mechanics, NASA
1983, candidate of phys. and math. sciences, «Direct and reverse problems of the theory of scattering for the infinite non-self- adjoint Jacobi matrix»
2000- to the present, BSU
2004- to the present, senior lecturer of Higher Mathematics department, Mechanics-mathematics faculty, BSU
2000-2004, lecturer of Higher Mathematics department, Mechanics-mathematics faculty, BSU
1988-2000, senior scientific worker of Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics NAS
1985-1988, scientific worker of Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics NASA
1981-1985, junior scientific worker of Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics NASA
Courses: Higher Mathematics
Author of 18 scientific articles
Spectral theory of operators
- 1993, Trabzon, Turkey: «Azerbaijan-Turkey mathematics symposium», Garadeniz Technical University
- 2007, Baku, Azerbaijan: «International conference of mathematics and mechanics, dedicated to 70th anniversary of member of NASA, professor Hadjiyev A.J.»
- On the oscillation properties and minimality of a system of root functions of a boundary value problem.- Trans. of NAS Azerb., ser. Of phys.-tech. and math scien., v.XXIII, №1, 2003, p.109-118.
- Eigenvalues and normalized Eigenfunctions of discontinuous Sturm-Lioville problem with transmission conditions.- Resorts on Mathematical Physics, Tokat, vol. 54,№1, 2004, p.41-56.
- On discontinuous Sturm-Lioville problem with transmission conditions.-J.Math.Kyoto Univ (YMKYZ) 44-4 (2005), 779-798.
- A scattering problem a system of the first order ordinary differential equations on semi-axis.-Trans. of NAS of Azerb. Ser.of phys.-tech.and math. scien.,v.XIX,№1-2,1999,p.89-89.
- Green function of the discontinuos boundary value problem with transmission conditions.-Bulletin of Engineering Sciences, 2002, v.VIII, №2, p.219-226.
- Positiveness of second order differential operators with interior singularity. İnternational Conference on Analysis and Applied mathematics,2016, 7-10. September, 2016 Almaty, Kazakhstan
- Modified Parseval and Carleman equalities for Sturm-Liouville problems with interior singularities. Journal of mathematical sciences: advances and applications, vol 31, 2015, 11p.
- Modified Parseval and Carleman equalities for Sturm-Liouville problems with interior singularities. Contemporary Analysis and Applied Mathematics, vol 2,№ 1, 78-87, Fatih University, 2014.
- Distributions of eigenvalues for Sturm-Liuville problem under jump conditions. Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, journal of New Results in Science 1, ISSN: 1304-7981, 2013, pp.81-89.
- The Greens functions, resolvent operator and self-adjointness of one discontinuous Sturm-Liouville problem. ЕЦФБЕД- Фен Билимлери Енститцсц Дерэиси Ъилт-сайы: 5-1, 2012, с.85-102.