Guliev Vagif
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
Telephone: (+994 12) 539 75 79
On February 22, 1957, was born in Salyan
In 1973-1978 he studied at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics at BSU
Since 1983 he has been working at BSU
June 30, 2014 was elected a corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan
He is married and has three children
1973-1978 student of Mechanics-mathematics faculty, BSU
1981-1983 ph.d. student of Mechanics-mathematics faculty, BSU
1983 - candidate of physical and mathematical sciences "Investigation of an anisotropic singular integral operators", BDU
1994 - doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, " Integral operators in function spaces determined in homogeneous groups and in domain ", Institute of Mathematics, named V.A. Steklov
From 1983 to 1995 he worked as a senior lecturer, associate professor in department "Mathematical analysis" of BSU, from 1995 to 2008 he worked as a professor, and from 2008 to the present time work as a professor in the department "Mathematical analysis" of BSU.
From 1995 to 1998, he worked part-time in the department "Equations of Mathematical Physics" IMM since 1998 led a group of "Application of the device harmonic analysis of the equations of mathematical physics" in that department.
From 1999 to 2001 he headed the laboratory "Harmonic Analysis", in 2001- 2003 he Deputy Head of the Department of "Mathematical Analysis".
From 2005 to 2014, lead scientist at the Department of "Mathematical analysis" of IMM and since 2014 has been working as head of the department "Mathematical Analysis".
On 7th May 2015 is the Deputy Director for Science at Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
It conducts courses in mathematical analysis, harmonic analysis, mathematical analysis of selected items (special course), singular integral operators (special course)
He is the author of 200 scientific articles, 2 monographs
Prepared 19 candidates of sciences and 2 doctors.
Investigation of integral operators of harmonic analysis defined in homogeneous-type spaces and in homogeneous Lie group on new function spaces
Investigation of modern problems of harmonic analysis in local and global Morrey-type spaces
Two-weighted inequalities
Embedding theorems in the spaces of several variables differential functions
Approximation theory for function spaces defined in Carnot groups
Banach-valued function spaces theory
Theory of holomorphic and harmonic function spaces determined in many-dimensional complex domains
Investigation of different problems of harmonic analysis in Bessel, Laguerre, Gegenbauer, Dankl, and Chebli-Trimece hypergroups
Application to differential equations
• 09.07.2016-18.07.2016, Kirsehir, Turkey, International Conference - ICAA, invited speaker
• 2. 25.05.2015-30.05.2015, Moscow, Russia, invited speaker
• 3. 14.04.2014-24.04.2014, Kutahya, Turkey, invited speaker
• 23.06.2014-27.06.2014, Padova, Italy, invited speaker (Workshop)
• 09.06.2013-16.06.2013, Padova, Italy, invited speaker
• 14.11.2013-01.12.2013, Beijing, China, invited speaker
• 12.06.2011-19.06.2011, Aveiro, Portugal, International Conference, invited speaker
• 24.06.2009-30.06.2009, London Imperial College, UK, Isaac VII Congress, invited speaker
• 05.10.2008-12.10.2008, Novosibirski, Moscow, International Conference, invited speaker
- Maximal operator in variable exponent generalized Morrey spaces on quasi-metric measure space, Mediterranina Journal of Mathematics, 13 (3) 2016, 1151-1165. (Impact Factor 0.656)
- The optimal control problem in the processes described by the Goursat problem for a hyperbolic equation in variable exponent Sobolev spaces with dominating mixed derivatives, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 305 (2016), 11-17. (Impact Factor 1.266)
- -admissible potential operators and their commutators on vanishing Orlicz-Morrey spaces, Collectanea Mathematica 67 (1) (2016), 133-153. DOI 10.1007/s13348-015-0135-1 (Impact Factor 0.609)
- Generalized weighted Morrey estimates for the gradient of divergence form parabolic operators with discontinuous coefficients, Acta Mathematica Sinica, 32 (8), 2016, 911–924. (Impact Factor 0.386)
- Rough singular integral operators and its commutators on generalized weighted Morrey spaces, Mathematical Inequalities and Applications, (19) (3) (2016), 863–881. (Impact Factor 0.645)
- Generalized Morrey estimates for the gradient of divergence form parabolic operators with discontinuous coefficients, Journal of Differential Equations, 259 (6) (2015), 2368-2387. (Impact Factor 1.680)
- Generalized Morrey regularity for parabolic equations with discontinuity data. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 58 (1) 2015, 199-218. (Impact Factor 0.543)
- Boundedness of intrinsic square functions and their commutators on generalized weighted Orlicz-Morrey spaces. Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 9 (2) 2015, 44-62. (Impact Factor 0.967)
- Characterization of associate spaces of generalized weighted weak-Lorentz spaces and embeddings, Studia Mathematica, 228 (3) (2015), 223-233. (Impact Factor 0.610)
- Maximal, potential and singular operators in the local "complementary" variable exponent Morrey type spaces. accepted in Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 401 (1) 2013, 72-84. (Impact Factor – 1.233)
- Global regularity in generalized weighted Morrey spaces of solutions to nondivergence elliptic equations with VMO coefficients, Potential Analysis, 38 (3) 2013, 843-862. (Impact Factor – 1.048)
- Linear and sublinear operators on Generalized Morrey spaces with non-doubling measures, Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen, 83(3) 2013, 303-327. (Impact Factor – 0.519)
- The two-weighted inequalities for sublinear operators generated by B singular integrals in weighted Lebesgue spaces, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 127 (1), 2013, 1-16. (Impact Factor – 0.702).
- Boundedness of the Riesz potential in local Morrey-type spaces. Potential Analysis, 35 (1) (2011), 67-87. (Impact Factor – 0.943)
- Stein-Weiss type inequalities for the fractional integral operators in Carnot groups and applications. Complex variables and elliptic equations, 55 (8-10) 2010, 847-863. (Impact Factor – 0.500)
- Boundedness of the maximal, potential and singular operators in the generalized variable exponent Morrey spaces. Mathematica Scandinavica, 197 (2) (2010), 285-304. (Impact Factor – 0.521)
- On fractional maximal function and fractional integral associated with the Dunkl operator on the real line. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 353 (1) 2009, 449-459. (Impact Factor – 1.001)
- On fractional maximal function and fractional integral on the Laguerre hypergroup. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 340 (2008), no. 2, 1058–1068. (Impact Factor – 1. 190)
- Necessary and sufficient condi-tions for boundedness of the Riesz potential in the local Morrey-type spaces, Potential Analysis, 30 (3) 2009, 211-249. (Impact Factor – 0.943)
- Calderon reproducing formula associated with the Gegenbauer operator on the half-line. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 335 (2) 2007, 1079-1094. (Impact Factor – 1.001)
- On boundedness of the generalized B-potential integral operators. Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 18 (11-12) 2007, 885-895. (Impact Factor – 0.730)
1. V.S. Guliyev, Function spaces, Integral Operators and Two Weighted Inequalities on Homogeneous Groups. Some Applications, Casioglu, Baku, 1999, 332 pp. (in Russian)
2. V.S. Guliyev, Integral operators, function spaces and questions of approximation on the Heisenberg group, Baku -"ELM", 1996, 199 рр. (Baku)