Habil Fattaev
Habil Fattaev
Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor
Telephone (work) : (994) 125103364
e-mail: gabil_dovlatoglu@yahoo.com, h-fattayev@mail.ru
Born 1967, may 1, Azerbaijan Republic, Masalli district, Mahmudavar village
Mahmudavar village school
had been studying in Mechanico-Mathematical department, Baku State University
1985-1985 has served in the army
1991-Since this time has been working in Baku State University
Married, has two children
1984-1991,student, Mechanico-Mathematical department, BSU
1991-1992, researcher, Mech.-Math. department, Kazan State University
1992-1994, post-graduate, Mech.-Math. department, BSU
1994, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
2000, present time associate professor , Algebra and Geometry chair, Mech.-Math. dep., BSU
1993-2000, assistant, Geometry chair, Mech.-Math. dep., BSU
1992-1993, senior lab assistant, Geometry chair, Mech.-Math. dep., BSU
1991-1992, researcher, Mech.-Math. department, Kazan State University
Courses he is teaching: Analytical geometry, Differential geometry and topology, Foundations
of geometry, Non Euclidean geometries, The theory of lifts in tensor bundles
Author of more than 50 scientific proceeding.
Differential geometry, Tensor bundles, The prolongations of the differential-geometric structures.
- 1991,Moscow, Russia, Actual problems of fundamental sciences
- 1992,Kazan, Russia, Lobachevsky and modern geometry
- 2000,Stambul, Turkey, The first international Turkish topology conference
- 2001,Stambul, Turkey, Problems on topology and its applications
- On the lifts of affine connection to the tensor bundle of the type (2,0). Materials of scientific conference deducated to 90 -anniversary of prof.M.J.Rasulov, p.175-177.
- The geodesic lines of lifts of the affine connections in the bundle of contravariant tensors of the type (2,0). News of Baku Univ., physico-mathematical sciences series, № 3, p.52-57.
- The lifts of affine connection to bundle of contravariant tensors of the type (2,0). J. of Qafqaz Univ., science, 2007, № 19, p.116-119.
- On the lifts of affinor structures on the cross-sections of the bundle of contravariant tensors of the type (2,0). Materials of the Republic conference on the application problems of mathematics and the new information technologies. Baku, p.14-15.
- The lifts of tensor fields on the cross-sections of tensor bundle of the type (2,0). Abstracts of the scientific conference deducated to 100-anniversary of academic A.I.Huseynov. Baku, 2007, p.148.
- On the horizontal lifts of vector and affinor bundles to the semiaffinor bundle.Abstracts of XX Republic mathematic symposium, 2007, Arzurum, Turkey.
- Tensor fields on cross-section in the tensor bundle of the type (2,0). News of Baku Univ., physico-mathematical sciences series, physico-mathematical sciences series, 2008, № 4, p.35-43.
- The lifts of affinor fields on the cross-sections in the tensor bundle of the type (2,0). J. of Qafqaz Univ., science, 2008, № 21, p.109-115.
- The horizontal lift of vector fields to the semitensor bundle of the type (2,0). Materials of the conference Mathematical theories and problems in the field of their application and teaching. Ganja,2008, p.238-241.
- Vector fields on the cross-sections in the tensor bundle of the type (2,0). Materials of the International Conference «Muhtarovskie chteniya » , Mahachkala, Russia, 2008, p.187-191.
- Lifts of vector fields to the semitensor bundle of type (2,0). J. of Qafqaz Univ., science, № 25, 2009, p.136-140.
- The Riemannian metric on the bundle of coframes. Abstracts of the 3rd world congress of mathematical societies of the Turkic countries. Almata, June 30-July 4, 2009, vol. I, p.59.
- On some differential-geometric structures on the bundle of coframes. J. of Qafqaz Univ., science, vol. 29, No. 2, 2010, 6 p.
- Determination of the Riemannian metric in the tensor bundle of type over a Riemannian manifold. Materials of the international scientific conference devoted to the 85th anniversary of Academician A.Mirzadjanzade. November 21-22, 2013, Baku, p. 244-245.
- Determination of the complete and horizontal lifts of tensor fields on the fiber bundle of linear coframes. Materials of the int. scientific conference "Actual problems of mathematics and mechanics", dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, May 15-16, 2014, Baku, p. 173-175.
- On a differentiable mapping of the fiber bundles of the valence 3 over a Riemannian manifold. Materials of the international scientific conference "Areas of application of mathematics and ICT. New training technologies ", Part I, June 05-06, 2014, Ganja, p.69-71.
- Materials of the international scientific conference dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the Corresponding Member of NASA, Professor Y. Mamedov, December 10, 2015, Baku, p. 71-75.
- About horizontal and complete lifts of an affine connection in the fiber space of contravariant tensors of type (3,0). Materials of the republican scientific conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Professor A.Habibzadeh. 2016, Baku, p. 21-23.
- Риманова метрика в расслоении тензоров типа (1,2) над римановым многообразием. Вестник Бакинского Университета, серия физико-математических наук, 2017, № 4, c. 58-65
- Transfer of some differential geometric structures from (1, 1)-tensor bundle to the (0, 2)-tensor bundle over a Riemannian manifold. Transactions of NAS of Azerbaijan, Issue Mathematics, Series of Physical-Technical and Mathematical Sciences, 38 (1), pp. 52–61 (2018) (Scopus).
- Coframe bundle and problems of lifts on its cross-sections. Turkish Journal of Mathematics, v. 42, N:4, 2035-2044 / 2018 (SCI-Expanded).
- Некоторые вопросы дифференциальной геометрии рассления аффинорных реперов. Вестник Бакинского Университета, серия физико-математических наук, 2018, №3, с. 45-57.
- Diagonal lifts of metrics to coframe bundle. Proc. of the IMM of NAS of Azerbaijan, Vol. 44, № 2, 2018, p. 328–337 (ESCI).
- Connections On The Coframe Bundle. International Electronic Journal of Geometry, to appear (2019) (ESCI)
- Differential geometry, topology and tensor analyse. I part. Baku, 1993, 80 p.
- Differential geometry, topology and tensor analyse. II part. Baku, 1994, 40 p.
- High mathematics. I,II,III parts. Baku, 1997,1997,1998.
- Exercises on the tensor calculus. I part. Tensor algebra. Baku, 2001, 56 p.
- The differential manifolds and some differential-geometric structures on them. Baku, 2001, 64 p.
- Exercises on the tensor calculus. II part. Tensor analyse. Baku, 2007, 54 p.Publishing house of BSU,Baku, 2009, 180 p.
- What is the geometry of Lobachevsky? Publishing house «Çaşıoğlu», Baku,2010, 48 p.