The chair of Theoretical Mechanics and Mechanics of Solid Environments

The chair of theoretical mechanics was founded in 1921. Its foundation was connected with the activity of such prominent scientists as L.S. Leibenzon, Y.I. Yelkin, Z.I. Khalilov. The first head of the chair was the famous scientist in the field of oil industrial mechanics Academicianian L.S. Leibenzon.

Prof. Y.I. Yelkin headed the chair from 1935 till 1944 and acad. Z.I. Khalilov - from 1944 till 1960.

Corresponding member of ANAS, prof. Yu.A.Amanzadeh headed the chair from 1960 till 1982.

Prof. R.Yu. Amanzadeh headed the chair from 1982 till 2015.

Since 2016 associate professor Yu. M. Sevdimaliyev manages the department.

During different years famous scientists on mechanics, such as the academician of ANAS A.Kh.Mirzedzhanzade, professor T.G. Bektashi, corresponding member of ANAS professor A. N. Alizadeh, professor T. K. Ramazanov, professor M. B. Akhundov, professor Dzh. G. Agalarov, associate professors M. G. Gadzhiyeva, A. B. Mamedov and others worked in the chair.

Among graduates of the chair there are two of full members of ANAS, three corresponding members of ANAS, Academicianian RAEN,  dozens of doctors of science, about hundred candidates of science and the doctors of philosophy on mathematics.

Academic staff for the countries such as Egypt, Cuba, Vietnam, Georgia, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan have been prepared by the chair.

At present the chair is functioning in the following structure: head of the chair, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor Yu.M.Sevdimaliyev; executing the associate professor's duties M.M. Tagiyev, Kh.B. Mamedov; senior teacher, doctor of philosophy of mathematics A.B. Aliyev; doctor of philosophy of mathematics, teacher G.M. Salmanova;  the head of laboratory, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences E.T. Kiyasbayli; engineer R.M. Guseynova and senior laboratory assistant E.F. Gasanli.

The chair has been named as The chair of theoretical mechanics and mechanics of solid environments since 1987.


The principal directions of the chair’s scientific activity are mechanics of deformed solid and mechanics of liquid and gas. More than 10 doctors of sciences and 100 candidates of sciences have been prepared since the moment of the chair’s foundation.

More than 20 monographs and textbooks and over 500 scientific papers have been published during these years.

The main subjects taught at the chair are the followings: theoretical mechanics, mechanics of solid environments, the resistance of materials, hydromechanics, the mechanics of composite materials, the mechanics of liquid and gas, hydro elasticity, underground hydrodynamics, fracture mechanics, soil mechanics, elasticity theory, theory of shell and biomechanics.


Sevdimaliev Yu.M.. - associate professor, head of the chair, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences

Tagiyev. M.M.- executing the associate professor, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences

Mamedov Kh.B. - executing the associate professor, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences

Aliyev A.B. - senior teacher, doctor of philosophy of mathematics

Salmanova G.M. – teacher, doctor of philosophy of mathematics

Dayyanov F.M.- – teacher, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences

Kiyasbayli E.T. - the head of laboratory, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences

Guseynova R.M. – engineer

Gasanli E.F. - senior laboratory assistant


Main courses taught in the department:

Baccalaureate degree:

Theoretical mechanics (I, II courses) - for mechanics students, (III course) - for the mathematicians; the mechanics of continuous medium (III courses), strength of materials (III courses), hydromechanics (III courses), hydraulics (III course), the mechanics of the fluid of gas and plasma (IV courses), the theory of elasticity and plasticity (III courses), the mechanics of deformed solid body (III, IV courses).

Baccalaureate degree:

Theoretical mechanics (I, II courses) - for mechanics students, (III course) - for the mathematicians; the mechanics of continuous medium (III courses), strength of materials (III courses), hydromechanics (III courses), hydraulics (III course), the mechanics of the fluid of gas and plasma (IV courses), the theory of elasticity and plasticity (III courses), the mechanics of deformed solid body (III, IV courses).

Master degree:

Specialty - 2002.01 "Mechanics of deformed solid body". Contemporary problems of science (on the branches). History of the methodology of science (on the branches). Theory of cracks; the theory of anisotropic elasticity; the mechanics of destruction; the theory of stability; the vibration theory and waves; hydroelasticity; the theory of shells; deformation and the destruction non-classical medias; the problem of deformed solid bodies in boring; deformation and the destruction of species near the oil wells.

Specialty - 2003.01 "Mechanics of fluid, gas and plasma". Contemporary problems of science (on the branches). History of the methodology of science (on the branches). Problems of continuum mechanics in the hemodynamics; the vibration theory and waves; the theory of shells; the theory of hydroelasticity; the mechanics of high speeds; underground hydrodynamics; the flow of the bodies in the liquid; the mechanics of polyphase systems; the contemporary problems of the mechanics of oil and gas; the mechanics of viscoelastyc fluids; the problem of the displacement of oil and gas in the species.

Laboratories: "Firmness and plasticity", "Aerohydromechanics".


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