Vagif Kasimov
Vagif Kasimov Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate professor Telephone: (+994) 12 510 33 64 E-mail:
PERSONAL INFORMATION Date of Birth: November 8th 1954 Place of Birth: Baku, Azerbaijan Marital Status: Married Children: one child EDUCATION 1961-1971, secondary school #7, Baku 1971-1976, student of Mechanics-mathematics faculty, BSU 1979-1981, post-graduate student of Mechanics-mathematics faculty, BSU 1985, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, «Homopotic properties of general linear group of Hilbert module above of algebra А» EMLOYMENT HISTORY 1979- to the present, employee of BSU 2006- to the present, chief of Algebra and geometry department, Mechanics-mathematics faculty, BSU 1996- 2002, chief of Algebra and topology department, Mechanics-mathematics faculty, BSU 1994- to the present, associate professor of Algebra and geometry department, Mechanics-mathematics faculty, BSU 1985-1994, senior lecturer of Algebra and topology department, Mechanics-mathematics faculty, BSU 1979-1985, lecturer of Algebra and topology department, Mechanics-mathematics faculty, BSU 1976-1979, engineer-programmer, Institute of Cybernetic, NAS Azerbaijan Courses: Algebra and the theory of numbers, Modern problems of algebra, Theory of polynomials, Mathematical logics, Topology Author of 30 scientific articles and 4 scientific books SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS Topology, Algebra, Theory of representatives, Theory of homotopy, Boolean algebras PARTICIPATION IN INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUMS AND CONFERENCES 1977, Minsk, Belarus: International topology conference 1980, Voronej, Russia: Winter school of Voronej mathematicians 1988, St. Petersburg: International topology conference 1988, Baku Azerbaijan: International topology conference 1997, Kirikkala, Turkey: International mathematics symposium 2007, Zanjan, Iran: Conferences of Iranian mathematics LIST OF SELECTED PUBLICATIONS Группоиды асимптотических действий.- Материалы научной конференции, посвященной 85-летию А.Ш. Габибзаде, БГУ, 2001, стр.50 О некоторых свойствах группоидов.- Материалы научной конференции, посвященной 85-летию А.Ш. Габибзаде, БГУ, 2001, стр.51 Топологические свойства асимптотического действия группы Z+Z. -Материалы научной конференции, «Современные проблемы математики», БГУ, 2001, стр.63-66 Topology properties of asymptotic actions. - International Workshop «Topology and Related Topics», Moscow State University. 2001, pp.9-10 Groupрoids and asymptotic actions. - International Conference on applicable General Topology. 2001, pp.2 Асимптотические представления и порожденные ими категории.- Вестник Бакинского Государственного Университета, серия физико-математических наук, 2002, №2, с.131-137 Asymptotic representations and the categories caused by them. -Third. Joint Seminar. On Applied Mathematics, Baku, 2002, pp.75-76 Categories and asymptotic representations connected to them.-The fourth International Conference «Internet-Education Science», 2004, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, pp.118-121 Алгебра гладких функций на квазипериодических многообразиях. -Материалы международной конференции «Топологические и вариационные методы нелинейного анализа и их приложения», БГУ, 2005, стр.3-7 BOOKS Cəbr və ədədlər nəzəriyyəsi.- I cild, T.İsmayıl,Bakı,1998, 300 səh. Cəbr və ədədlər nəzəriyyəsi, Qruplar və halqalar, Çoxhədlilər və genişlənmələr.- II cild, BDU, Bakı,1999, 150 səh. Ardıcıllıqlar cəbri.- BDU, Bakı,1999,70 səh. Topologiya və onun bəzi tətbiqləri.- RN Novruz-94, Bakı,2006,20 ç.v. PARTICIPATION IN GOVERNMENTAL AND INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS AND GRANTS 1995-1997, International scientific foundation(SOROS) 1997, TUBITAK program |