12/11/2021On November 23, 2021, at 11:00 am the next scientific seminar of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics will be held. At the seminar, the professor of the Department of “Computational matthematics” of the Mechanics and Mathematics faculty, Doctor of Mathematical Sciences Vagif Rza oglu Ibrahimov will speech on the theme “Application multistep methods of hybrid type to the numerical solution of the initial value problem for a ODE of the second-order with a special structure”.
İn the presentation have considering the numerical solution of the initial value problem for ODE of the second order with the special structure. It is known that one of the best methods to solve this type of problem is the Stermer-Werlet method
For the increasing of accuarcy of the Stermer-Werlet method here constacted hybrid methods and have find the maxmial value of the accuracy for stable and unstable methods.