20/10/2021On October 26, 2021 at 12:00 am the next scientific seminar of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of BSU, a report by the associate professor of the Department of “Theory function and functional analysis”, doctor of philosophy in Mathematics Migdad Imdad oglu Ismailov will speech on the theme “On uncountable frames and Riesz bases in nonseparable Banach spaces”.
The talk gives information on the generalization of Bessel, Hilbert sequences and frames and Riesz bases in separable Banach spaces with respect to nonseparable Banach spaces of scalar systems in nonseparable Banach spaces. The concepts of uncountable -Bessel, -Hilbert systems, -frames and -Riess bases in nonseparable Banach spaces with respect to the nonseparable Banach space of scalar systems are given, their characterizations and theorems on the connection between them are given.