15/04/2022On May 11-13, 2022, the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Baku State University will organize the Republican Scientific Conference “Actual Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics” dedicated to the 99th anniversary of the birth of National Leader Heydar Aliyev.
Conference aim:
The conference aims to revolving around recent advances and applications in all fields of Math and Mechanics, bringing together all participants to share and discuss their research results and expecting to give a good academic exposure and intellectual stimulation to senior and junior researchers as well as doctoral and post-doctoral students.
Conference sections:
- Mathematical Analysis
- Functional analysis and Operator theory
- Differential equations and optimal control
- Algebra and Geometry
- Pure mathematics, Mechanics, Applied Mathematics
- Mathematics and methods of its teaching
Members of the organization committee:
Chair |
Ziyatkhan Aliyev – Dean of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of BSU |
Deputy chair |
Shirmayıl Bagirov – Deputy Dean for Scientific Affairs of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of BSU |
Members |
Arif Salimov, Hamlet Quliyev, Nizamaddin İsgandarov, Samad Aliyev, Ali Aliyev, Etibar Ahmadov, Mehriban Omarova, Kamala Rahimova. |
Members of the program committee:
Chair |
Rashid Aliyev - Head of the Department of Mathematical Analysis, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, BSU. |
Members |
Araz Farajov, Khalida Hasanova, Elvin Azizbayov, Vagif Ibrahimov, Ali Ahmadov, Yashar Mehraliyev, Yusif Sevdimaliyev, Elmaga Gasimov, Sadi Bayramov, Shakir Yusubov, Telman Gasimov. |
Work schedule of the conference, working languages:
Plenary sessions and debates will be held in Azerbaijani, English and Russian.
Papers must meet the format set by which is subject to given below:
Vol of paper |
Theses should not exceed 3 pages. A5 size paper should be used. Set the margins of your document (right 25 mm, left – 10 mm, top – 20 mm and bottom – 20mm). |
Context ot the thesis |
Must be written in Ms Word using “Microsoft Equation “ secton with Times New Roman font at a size of 12, interval 1.0. |
Headings |
Font at a size of 14, centered, bold, interval 1.0 |
Authors |
An author citation must be start with the his (her) name, family name and surname. |
Name of Cooperation |
Must be started from new line. |
References |
Must numbered in the order in which they are cited through the text and notes within square brackets with. |
İnformation about authors |
Full name, organization, position, academic title and academic degree. |
Requirement for attendees willing to have their work presented in is to send thesis form of paper via email address. Example
The thesis submission for the conference is due by April 30th.
For further information, please contact with organization committee.
Adress: AZ1148, Academic Zahid Khalilov street-23,
BSU Mechanics-Mathematics faculty
Contact number : (012) 539 04 93
(077) 219 65 28