Scientific Conference
16/10/2022On November 28-29, 2022, the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Baku State University will organize the Republican Scientific Conference
"Theory of Functions, Functional Analysis and Their Applications",
dedicated to the 110th anniversary of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Academician Ibrahim Ibish Ibragimov.
The aim of the conference:
Identification of priority issues in the areas of function theory, functional analysis and their applications, identification of innovative directions, increasing the interest of scientists, Ph.D students, masters and bachelors in scientific research, discussion of important results of scientific research.
Conference sections:
1. Theory of functions:
• Theory of approximations
• Harmonic analysis
• Theory of functions of real and complex variables
• Computational mathematics and information technologies.
2. Functional analysis and its applications:
• Differential equations
• Spectral theory of operators
• Algebra, geometry and topology
• Solid, gas and fluid mechanics.
Work schedule of the conference, working languages:
Plenary sessions and debates will be held in Azerbaijani, English and Russian.
Papers must meet the format set by which is subject to given below:
Vol of paper |
Theses should not exceed 3 pages. A5 size paper should be used. Set the margins of your document (right 20 mm, left – 10 mm, top – 20 mm and bottom – 10mm). |
Context ot the thesis |
Must be written in Ms Word using “Microsoft Equation “ section with Arial font at a size of 11, interval 1.0. |
Headings |
Font at a size of 10, centered, bold, interval 1.0 |
Authors |
An author citation must be start with the his (her) name, family name and surname. |
Name of Cooperation |
Must be started from new line.
References |
Must numbered in the order in which they are cited through the text and notes within square brackets with. |
İnformation about authors |
Full name, organization, position, academic title and academic degree.
Requirement for attendees is to send their thesis via email address. Example
The thesis submission for the conference is due by November 10 th, 2022,
For further information, please contact with organization committee.
Adress: AZ1148, Academic Zahid Khalilov street-23,
BSU Mechanics-Mathematics faculty
Contact number : (012) 539 04 93
(050) 787 71 91, (055) 233 00 72