

The preliminary discussion of the dissertation entitled “Nonlocal inverse boundary value problems for a certain class of partial differential equations” will be held at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics



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Associate Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics, Ph.D. Sevda Elkhan kyzy Isaeva with a report on the topic "Investigation of solutions of a mixed problem with a conjugate acoustic condition for hyperbolic equations with unfocused nonlinear sources"


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The head of the Department of Inverse Problems and Image Recognition of the Research Institute of Applied Mathematics, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Etibar Sadi oglu Panahov will make a presentation at the seminar on the topic "Some inverse problems of spectral theory for a differential operator".

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Associate Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics, Doctor of Mathematical Sciences Sarvan Tahmez ogly Huseynov will make a presentation at the seminar “Harnack’s inequality for solutions of the (p,q)-Laplace equation, which uniformly degenerates in some part of the domain due to a small parameter.”


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Associate Professor of the Department of Theory of  Functions and Functional Analysis, Doctor of  Mathematical Sciences Migdad Imdad oglu Ismayilov will make a presentation on the topic “Defective basis for systems of weight exponentials and trigonometric sines and cosines in Grand Lebesgue spaces”

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Scientific Conference

On November 28-29, 2022, a Republican scientific conference dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of academician Ibrahim Ibish oglu Ibrahimov will be held.




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The head of the Department of Theoretical Mechanics and Continuum Mechanics, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Sevdimaliev Yusif Mohammedali oglu will make a report  “Determination of the bearing capacity of solid bodies and thin-walled structural elements under creep under irradiation with a neutron flux”

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On the existence of a priori bounds for positive solutions of elliptic  problems, IIAssociate Professor of the Department of Differential and Integral Equations, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Shirmayil Gasan oglu Bagyrov will report on the topic “On the existence of global solutions of some semilinear elliptic and parabolic equations in an infinite domain”

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On May 11-13, 2022, the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Baku State University will organize the Republican Scientific Conference “Actual  Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics” dedicated to the 99th anniversary of the birth of National Leader Heydar Aliyev.



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10:15 in the 602nd auditorium of the Faculty

A scientific seminar will be held on March 29, 2022 at 10:15 in the 602nd auditorium of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics



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Qualitative theory of elliptic and parabolic partial differential equationsA scientific seminar will be held on March 29, 2022 at 10:15 in the 602nd auditorium of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics



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The next weekly scientific seminar of the Mechanics and Mathematics faculty

On January 15, 2022, at 10:15 am (Room #602) the next scientific seminar of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics will be held. At the seminar, the dissertation student of the Department of Theory of Functions and Functional Analysis of Baku State University Gunel Gasimova will make a report “Investigation of questions of solvability of operator-differential equations of elliptic type”.

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On March 01, 2002 at 10:15 a scientific seminar will take place in the 602

Professor Panahov Geylani Minhaj oglu  will make a presentation on the subject “Innovative solutions for production and transportation of hydrocarbons”


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at 10:15 at the general seminar of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Baku State University in room 602



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Doctor of sciences in Mathematics Shakir Shikhi oglu Yusubov will speech on the theme “Local and nonlocal  boundary value problems for equations with dominant mixed derivatives”

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Doctor of  Mathematical Sciences Vagif Rza oglu Ibrahimov will speech on the theme “Application multistep methods of hybrid type to the numerical solution of the initial value problem for a ODE  of the  second-order  with  a special structure”.

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the next scientific seminar of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of BSU, a report by the associate professor of the Department of “Theory function and functional analysis”, doctor of philosophy in Mathematics Migdad Imdad oglu Ismailov will speech on the theme “On uncountable frames and Riesz bases in nonseparable Banach spaces”

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The next faculty seminar

The next faculty seminar on the theme “Problems of statics and dynamics on the bearing capacity of structural elements and bodies” will be held

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The next faculty seminar

The next faculty seminar on the theme “Initial boundary problems for semilinear wave equations with transmission acoustic conditions” will be held


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The next faculty seminar on the theme Differential-geometric structures of frame bundles” will be held

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