The chair of Theory of functions and functional analysis
The chair of theory of functions and functional analysis was founded in 1939 by Academician A.I.Huseynov, who had directed it till 1965.
In 1965-1992 prof. A.Sh. Habibzade and prof. O.A.Valiyev were the heads of the chair 1992-1996. From 1996 up to now the chair is headed by d.p.-m.s., prof. A.M.Akhmedov.
In the chair the bachelors study next branches of sciences: theory of functions of real variables; functional analysis and theory of functions of complex variables and related special courses; the masters study the basic and special courses: spectral theory of operators, complex analysis and applications, operator-differential equations, linear equation in Banach space, generalized functions and functional spaces.
More than one hundred articles, tens of monographs, text-books, training appliances and methodical instructions of teaching of branches were published in the chair.
Akhmedov A.M. - Head of the department, professor, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Mamedkhanov C.I.- professor, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Tagiyeva M.A. - associate professor, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
Babayev R.M. - associate professor, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
Rzayev E.A. - associate professor, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
Gasimov T.B. - associate professor, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
Ismailov M.I.- associate professor, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
Babayeva S.F.- associate professor, Ph. D. in mathematical sciences
Asadov T.B.- associate professor, Ph. D. in mathematical sciences
Mansimova H.S.- lecturer, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
Aslanbeyova G.F.- senior laboratory assistant
The taught main disciplines
Main directions of speculations:
Theory of functions of real variables
Functional analysis
Theory of functions of complex variables
The taught disciplines
Theory of functions of real variables
Functional analysis
Theory of functions of complex variables
Selected chapters of theory of functions
Selected chapters of functional analysis
The taught disciplines for masters
Spectral theory of operators
Complex analysis and applications
Operator-differential equations
Linear equation in Banach space
Generalized functions
Functional spaces