Vagif Ibragimov

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor

Telephone: (+994) 12 438 21 54



Date of Birth: May 9th, 1947

Place of Birth: Jagri village, Nahichivan region, Azerbaijan

Marital Status: Married

Children: a son and two daughters


1953-1964, secondary school in Jagri village, Nahichivan region, Azerbaijan

1964-1969, student of Mechanics-mathematics faculty, BSU

1972-1975, Ph.D. student of Mechanics-mathematics faculty, BSU

1980, candidate of phys. and math. sciences, «Numerical methods of solving the ordinary differential equations»

2004, candidate of phys. and math. sciences Multistage methods of the solution of the problem of Cauchy for the ordinary differential equations


2006, to the present professor of Computational Mathematics, BSU

2004-2011, Vice-Rector for Humanities, BSU

1985-2006, associate professor Computational Mathematics, BSU

1982-1985, senior lecturer, Computational Mathematics, BSU

1975-1982, assistant, Computational Mathematics, BSU

1972-1975, Ph.D. student, Mechanics-mathematics faculty, BSU

1970-1972, real military service in the numbers of the army

1969-1970, research assistant, Computational Mathematics department, BSU

Courses: Methods of calculations, COMPUTER(S) and programming, Computational mathematics, Numerical methods of solving the ordinary differential and integral equations

The author of 160 articles, of 1 methodical textbook and 1 textbook and 1 monograph


Numerical methods of solving the integral, ordinary differential and integro-differential equations


  • 1982, Russo, Bulgaria: Differential equations and their application, II international conference
  • 1988, Sofia, Bulgaria: International scientific conference on the numerical methods and their application
  • 1988, Budapest, Hungary: Proceeding of the XI-international conference on nonlinear oscillation
  • 1989, Russo, Bulgaria: Differential equations and their application, IV international conference
  • 1995, Zenjan, Iran: I joint seminar for applied mathematics (BSU and The Zenjan University)
  • 1995, Hamburg, Germany: The third international Congress on industrial and applied mathematics
  • 1996, Samargand, Uzbekistan: International conference on some topics of Mathematics
  • 1996,Athens,Greece: The Second World Congress of Nonlinear Analysis
  • 2000, Zenjan, Iran: II joint seminar for applied mathematics (BSU and The Zenjan University)
  • 2002, Zenjan, Iran: III joint seminar for applied mathematics (BSU and The Zenjan University)
  • 2004, Baku, Azerbaijan: "International conference, dedicated to the 45th anniversary of the institute of mathematics and mechanics"
  • 2005,Bakı,Azərbaycan:AMEA-nın müxbir üzvü, professor İ.T.Məmmədovun 50 illiyinə həsr olunmuş
  • Riyaziyyat və Mexanika üzrə XI beynəlxalq konfrans
  • 2007, Nakhichevan, Azerbaijan: International symposium on the contemporary problems of mathematics, mechanics and information theory
  • 2007, Baku, Azerbaijan: International conference on mathematics and mechanics dedicated to 70th anniversary academician Gadjiyev A.J.
  • 2008, Famagusta, North Cyprus: Mathematical analysis, differential equations and their application
  • 2008, Lozentu, Bulgaria: IV international conference on the numerical analysis and its application
  • 2010, Application of the forward jumping Method to the solving of Volterra integral equation, Conference in Numerical Analysis, Chania, Crete, Greece.
  • 2010, The Third international Conference “Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics”, Baku, Azerbaijan.
  • 2010, World Academy of Science, engineering and Technology, Amsterdam.
  • 2011, World Academy of Science, engineering and Technology, Paris.
  • 2011, International conference on approximation methods and numerical modeling in environment and natural resources Saidia, Morocco, may 23-26.
  • 2011, "Space and time - Coordinate System of human development" International Research and Practical Conference (Kiev, London, August 25 - September 1,)
  • 2011, World Academy of Science, engineering and Technology, Paris (Scopus).
  • 2012,  Academy of Science, engineering and Technology, Dubai (Scopus).
  • 2012, International Conference in Mathematics, 11-14 March, Al-Ain.
  • 2012, IV international Conference “Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics”, Baku, Azerbaijan.
  • 2012,  First International conference an Analyses and applied mathematics, AIP, Gumushane, Turkey, 18-21 October
  • 2012, 9th International conference on mathematical problems in engineering, aerospace and sciences, AIP, Vienna, Austria, 10-14 July
  • 2012, Models and methods of solving formal and applied scientific issues in physico mathematical technical and chemical research, London.
  • 2012, Mathematical Methods for Information Science and Economics, Montreux, Switzerland, December 29-31.
  • 2013, Recent Advances in Engineering Mechanics, Structures and Urban Planning, Cambridge, UK, February 20-22.
  • 2013, World Congress on Engineering 2013, London, U.K., 3-5 July
  • 2013, Recent Advances in Applied Mathematics and Computational Methods in Engineering, AMCME 2013, Rhodes Island, Greece, July 16-19
  • 2014, Recent Advances in Mathematics, Statistics and Economics. PMAM’14; ES14. Venice. Italy March 15-17.
  • 2014, International Conference, ICAT’14, August 12-15, Antalya, Turkey.
  • 2015, International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM-2014)
  • 2015, Recent Advances in Mathematics, Greece, 2015
  • 2015, The 5th International Conference on Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, 27-29 August, Baku, Azerbaijan.
  • 2019, The International Conference IAPE'19 Oxford


  1. On one application of forward jumping methods Applied Numerical Mathematics Volume 72, October 2013, p.234–245
  2. A way to construct an algorithm that uses hybrid methods Applied Mathematical Sciences, HIKARI Ltd, Vol. 7, 2013, no. 98, p.4875-4890
  3. Solving Volterra Integro-Differential Equations by the Hybrid Methods Pensee Journal, Paris, Vol. 75, Issue. 9, 2013, p. 2-16
  4. The Application Difference Methods to Solving Volterra Integral Equation Pensee Journal, Paris, Vol. 75, Issue. 111, 2013, p. 393-400
  5. On a Research of Symmetric Equations of Volterra Type International journal of mathematical models and methods in Applied sciences Volume 8, 2014
  6. 107-114
  7. An application of the hybrid methods to the numerical solution of ordinary deferential equations of second order Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi Journal of treasury series mathematics, mechanics, computer science, Almaty №4 (75)  2012, p. 46-54
  8. Solving Volterra Integro-Differential Equation by the Second Derivative Methods Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences, Volume 9, No. 5, Sep. 2015, 2521-2527
  9. A way for constructing hybrid methods with high order of accuracy and their application to solving of ode of first order International Journal of Current Research, Volume 7, Issue 08, August, 2015, p.19379-19382.
  10. An Application of Mathematical Methods for Solving of Scientific Problems British Journal of Applied Science & Technology2016 -   Volume 14, issue 2, 1-15.
  11. Application of hybrid methods to solving Volterra integral equation with the fixed boundaries International journal of advance research and innovative ideas in education, volume-1, issue-5, 2015
  12. On the application of hybrid methods to solving Volterra integro-differential equation International Journal of Mathematics & Computation, 105-114
  13. A method for solving nonlinear Volterra integral equations Advances in Dynamical Systems and Applications, volume 8, number 2, 2013. p. 269-280
  14. Об одном преимуществе гибридных методов Київський нацiональний унiверситет iменi Тараса Шевченка Журнал об числювальноїта прикладної МАТЕМАТИКИ, 2012.
  15. Application of A Second Derivative Multi-Step Method to Numerical Solution of Volterra Integral Equation of Second Kind. Pak.j.stat.oper.res.  Vol.VIII  No.2 2012.
  16. Application of the hybrid method with constant coefficients to solving the integro-differential equations of first order. World Congress: 9th International conference on mathematical problems in engineering, aerospace and sciences, Vienna, Austria, 10-14 July  2012.
  17. On one application of forward jumping methods. Applied Numerical Mathematics[6]. Volume 72, October 2013
  18. 1The application of the hybrid method to solving the Volterra integro-differential equation[7]. World Congress on Engineering 2013, London, U.K., 3-5 July, 2013.
  19. On a Research of Symmetric Equations of Volterra Type International journal of mathematical models and methods in Applied sciences Volume 8, 2014, 434-440.
  20. On the application of multistep methods to solving some problems of communication Proceedings of the International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2014 (ICNAAM-2014) AIP Conf. Proc. 1648, 2015 AIP Publishing LLC, 850050-1–850050-5;
  21. Some refinement of the notion of symmetry for the Volterra integral equations and the construction of symmetrical methods to solve them, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 306 (2016), 1–9.
  22. General Theory of the Application of Multistep Methods to Calculation of the Energy of Signals, Wireless Communications, Networking and Applications, Volume 348 of the series Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 1047-1056, (2016)
  23. An Application of Mathematical Methods for Solving of Scientific Problems. British Journal of Applied Science & Technology2016 -   Volume 14 , issue 2, p. 1-15.
  24. On a Research of Hybrid Methods. Numerical Analysis and Its App­li­ca­ti­ons­, Springer, 2013, p. 395-402.
  25. A way for constructing hybrid methods with high order of accuracy and their application to solving of ode of first order. International Journal of Current Research, Volume 7, Issue 08, August, 2015,
  26. John Butcher and hybrid methods International conference of numerical analysis and applied mathematics 2017
  27. Investigation of the initial-value problem for the Volterra integro-differential equations with the special structure, International Journal of Modern Communication Technologies & Research (IJMCTR) ISSN: 2321-0850, Volume-5, Issue-8, August-2017.
  28. A Way to Construct a Hybrid Forward-Jumping Method, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 225,2017.
  29. One a way for Constructing Hybrid Methods with the Constant Coefficients and their Applied, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 225,2017.
  30. The Numerical Solution of the Equilibrium Problem for a Stretchable Elastic Beam, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 225 012035,2017
  31. On the construction of the forward-jumping method and its application to solving of the Volterra integral equations with symmetric boundaries, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on MATHEMATICS 2017
  32. The construction the new way for the solving of the Volterra integral equations with the symmetric boundaries, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL MODELS AND METHODS IN APPLIED SCIENCES 2018.


  • О методе Адамса и Штермера. Методическое пособие, Баку, БГУ,1991,30 стр.
  • Учебные программы для бакалавриатуры по кафедре Вычислительная математика, Баку, Мутарджим, 2003, 32 стр.
  • Учебные программы для магистратуры по кафедре Вычислительная математика, Баку, Мутарджим, 2003, 16 стр.


2009 Honored Teacher of the Republic of Azerbaijan

2011 Diploma "Development of Science", awarded by the international organization IASHE London.

2011-2014 Grand awarded by the Foundation for the Development of Science under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

2014    Diploma awarded by the Foundation for Scientific Development under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Ministry of Education and Information Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the National Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan for UNESCO (awarded for II place in the competition for the best scientific papers published in the field of ICT).

2016-2019  The grant was provided by the Foundation for the Development of Science under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.


- Member of the Scientific Council of the Mechanics - Mathematics Faculty, BSU, Azerbaijan

- Vice Chairman of the Dissertation Council D 01.121 at Institute of Control Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan

- Member of the European mathematical society

- Member of the American mathematical society

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