The chair of Mathematical Analysis
The chair of Mathematical analysis was organized in 1934 and functioned until 1958. The graduate of the Moscow State University, prof. Bukhshtab A.A. (1934-1936), the active member Academicianian of the academy of sciences of Ukraine, prof. Lopatinskiy Y.V. (1936-1941), graduate of Petersburg University, prof. Afandiev M.R. (1941-1958) led the chair. In 1965 the chair of “Mathematical analysis” was again formed on the basis of the chair of “The theory of functions and functional analysis” and 31-years old associate professor Babayev A.A. was selected the chief of the chair.
In 1966 he defended his doctoral thesis, and in 1978 was selected as the corresponding member of AS of Azerbaijan and up to the end of his life he led the chair of mathematical analysis.
Prof. Babayev A.A. made invaluable and significant contribution to the cause of the organization of the chair, and in determination of its scientific interests. He was the follower of the mathematical school of “Nonlinear singular integral equations”, created by the Academicianian Huseynov A.I. He played significant role in the further polygonal development of this school and created his own scientific school.
More than 40 years scientific seminar of singular of operators and harmonic analysis continues to work in the chair. The chair deals with the teaching of mathematical analysis in the step of baccalaureate. Some special courses were created in the chair: Singular operators and singular integral equations, The approximate solution of singular integral equations, The theory of the approximation of functions, Harmonic analysis, The theory of the investment of function spaces and their application, The spectral theory of linear and nonlinear operators. The members of chair published sufficiently many articles in different foreign and republican scientific journals, and also in the materials of international conferences and they printed more than 10 operating instructions, teaching aids and monographs.
In 2001-2005 d.p.-m.s., prof. Karimov N.B. led the chair. D.p.-m.s., prof. Abdullayev S.K. has led the chair since 2006. D.p.-m.s., prof. Mirzoev S.S. is led the chair since 2016.
Today the chair of mathematical analysis functions in following composition: d.p.-m.s. , prof. Mirzoev S.S (head of the chair), d.p.-m.s. , prof. Abdullayev S.K., d.p.-m.s. , prof. Aliyev Z.S., d.-m.s., prof. Guliev V.S., d.p.-m.s., prof. Rzaev R.M., Abdullayev F.A., c c.p.-m.s., Ilyasov N.A., c.p.-m.s., .p.-m.s., Panahov M.G., c.p.-m.s., Mustafayev E.M., c.p.-m.s., Mehrabov V.A., c.p.-m.s., Aliyev R.A., c.p.-m.s., Senior lecturer Hajiyeva R.O. c.p.-m.s., Senior lecturer Akbarov A.A., d.p.m.., lecturer Muradova Sh.A., d.p.m.., lecturer Omarova. M.N. c.p.-m.s., lecturer Amrahova A.F , laboratory assistant Qazilova A.T.
Mirzoyev S.S. - Chief of the chair, professor, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Abdullayev S.K. - professor, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Guliyev V.S.- professor, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Rzayev R.M.- professor, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Aliyev Z.S. - professor, doctor of mathematical sciences
Abdullayev F.A. - associate professor, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
Heydarov A.H. - associate professor, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
Ilyasov N.A. - associate professor, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
Panahov M.Q.- associate professor, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
Mustafaev E.M.- associate professor, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
Mehrabov V.A.- associate professor, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
Aliyev R.A.- associate professor, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
Hajiyeva R.O.- Senior lecturer, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
Akbarov A.A. - Senior lecturer, doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics
Muradova Sh.A. – lecturer, doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics
Omarova M.N. - lecturer, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
Amrahova A.F. - lecturer
Qazilova A.T. - senior laboratory assistant
Core Courses:
Bachelor's degree:
Mathematical analysis
1. Science (on the field), Modern Problems
2. Spectral theory of differential operators
3. constructive theory of functions
4. Non-linear analysis
5. Harmonic analysis
6. Fourier transform, Laplace transform and their applications
7. The structural properties of the singular integral operators
8. Boundary properties of analytic functions and singular integral equations
9. Singular integral equations of mechanics applications to address the issues
10. Singular integral operators
11. Embedding theorems in differential equations and their applications.