The chair of Mathematics and methodology of its teaching
The chairof mathematics and methodology of teaching it has been founded in 1984. Since the day it was founded up to present time, the chair has been headed by professor K.I.Khudaverdiyev, Honoured Teacher of Azerbaijan Republic, doctor of sciences in physics and mathematics.
At present, the chair is functioning in the following content: S.J.Aliyev, c.p.-m.s., (head of the chair), prof. E.A.Gasimov, c.p.-m.s., G.Z.Abdullayeva, c.p.-m.s., assoc. prof. B.O.Tahirov, c.p.-m.s., S.N.Afendi, c.p.-m.s., F.M.Namazov, c.p.-m.s., assist. G.M.Tahirova, senior laboratory assistant R.A.Yusubova and senior laboratory assistant Sh.M.Aghazade.
Over the years passed since its foundation, the chair has been organizing the teaching of disciplines of Mathematics and Mathematics teaching methodology, special courses on differential equations and pedagogical practical training for students enrolled in the faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. Currently, the chair is engaged in teaching the subjects of Scientific foundations of teaching mathematics in secondary school and Mathematics teaching methodology at bachelor’s level, and all the courses of methods and methodology of teaching mathematics as well as special courses related to these subjects at master’s level. Besides, the chair is in charge of pedagogical practical training for students of the faculty.
In addition to the scientific work in the field of mathematics teaching methodology, the chair staff has obtained important results concerning existence, uniqueness and qualitative properties of solutions of a number of boundary value problems in the theory of differential equations.
Professor K.I.Khudaverdiyev, the head of the chair, has been a scientific adviser of 35 candidates of sciences, two of which later successfully defended their doctoral theses. For the moment, all of them are successfully working in various higher education and research institutions of Azerbaijan, Turkey and Uzbekistan.
Thechair staff has published more than 300 scientific research works, as well as 6 monograph, a 6 workbooks.
Aliyev S.J. - associate professor, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences (head of the chair)
Gasimov E.A. - professor, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
Abdullayeva G.Z.- associate professor, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
Tahirov B.O. - associate professor, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
Afendi S.N. - associate professor, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
Namazov F.M.- senior lecturer, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
Tahirova G.M.- assistant
Həmidova Sh.A. - The teacher, the candidate of pedagogical sciences
Raina Yusubova.- head laboratory assistant
Shahin Aghazade.- head laboratory assistant